ENFERMEDADES EXTRAÑAS, ENVENENAMIENTO ES LO QUE ES, GRIPAS QUE DURAN MAS DE 7 DIAS, cacompañadas de debilidad, al máximo, postración, fiebres altisimas, pérdida de la noción del espacio, pérdidas de memoria, DOLORES AGUDIS EN EL OIDO y falta de audición, NOS ESTAN USANDO COMO RATAS DE LABORATORIO.
"Chemtrails" pone de manifiesto que la palabra no es un término acuñado por "conspiradores" o nosotros los que hemos decidido despertar, y cuestionarnos cuál es la realidad detrás de esta "realidad alucinante", es un término impuesto por sus creadores.
Documentos con fecha en los 90s de la Fuerza Armada de los US, dan testimonio al mismo.
Armas sofisticadas de guerra contra la humanidad, HAARP y Chemtrails entre muchas otras formas de control poblacional.
Nos quieren silenciar, el internet ha ido demasiado lejos para los intereses creados del sistema, que ha condicionado las mentes, la vida del hombre en la sociedad.
Le ha creado su estilo de vida, un estilo que vemos fracazar todos los días porque atenta contra nuestra individualidad, su interés ha sido que olvidáramos quiénes somos y para que estamos aquí.
Es una era del despertar de esa consciencia, de que el robot programado por siglos en esclavitud y mentira, se convierta en el ser humano que posee dentro de sí mismo la verdad, sin falsos líderes y religiones que sólo han embrutecido nuestras mentes por siglos enteros.
El hombre que ha despertado ya no es manipulado por las "deidades" celosas y tiranas de la industria del "pecado" y la "culpa".
Los Chemtrails han estado encima de nuestras cabezas y en el aire que respiramos por décadas sin haberlas percibido; cómo sería un mundo sin los ataques bacteriológicos, y químicos de que hemos sido presa durante toda nuestra vida?, sin vacunas, sin la contaminación ambiental y de los recursos naturales de nuestro planeta?, cómo sería un mundo con otro diferente planteamiento de vida sin las influencias de los medios cada vez más sofisticados, música, cine, literatura, donde han programado nuestras vidas como mejor les ha convenido. Eso está cambiando porque el hombre despierto ya no cree , ni vive las mentiras del Sistema o Matrix.
Infórmate , aquí en nuestro blog hay temas que pueden ayudarte a comenzar un viaje por el mar de la otra realidad, de esa realidad que te dá la bienvenida a la verdad y al despertar de la consciencia.
En Facebook tenemos un grupo de Chemtrails, donde podrás expresarte,comentar, participar y lo mejor colaborar a que con tu consciencia otros despierten.
Adriana Miranda R.
Cuál es el verdadero propósito de los CHEMTRAILS ?
Aquí les comparto este serio y científico planteamiento , que nos presenta una visión clara, amplia y precisa , de cómo la nanotecnología nos afecta directamente a nosotros como seres humanos en nuestros organismos.
http://www.dataasylum.com/mindcontrol-chemtrails-summary.htmlCuál es el verdadero propósito de los CHEMTRAILS ?
Aquí les comparto este serio y científico planteamiento , que nos presenta una visión clara, amplia y precisa , de cómo la nanotecnología nos afecta directamente a nosotros como seres humanos en nuestros organismos.
- Blocking the Sun: This is the standard reason given to fools in the government. We need to secretly stop global warming, so keep it a secret that we're spraying. Global warming is the catch all con for everyone in the government. If you're smarter than this they'll give you a better reason.
- Blocking the Sun (Again): A reduction in sun light across the planet works well to decrease or manipulate crop yields slightly. This is part of the requirement to engineer a food crisis and bring in a famine. You can dismiss this.
- Superheating the Atmosphere: In order to create earthquakes and steer hurricanes (for example hurricane Katrina in New Orleans) the atmosphere needs to be more conductive for electricity so installations such as HAARP (HAARP is just what they want you to see, HAARP has nothing to do with anything) can work their magic. So the chemtrails spray barium and aluminum among other things to create a more conductive upper atmosphere. In The Phoenix Rises (2012) they tell you exactly this
@ exactly ~16:00 in the movie as they specifically talk about chemtrails. For your information barium has nothing to do with the BioAPI, nano-fibers or nano-tech at all.
- Health Erosion: As a side effect everyone's health and immune systems become slightly compromised. This is usually not an issue for most healthy people. Older people on average will now die sooner and any health complication is slightly more likely to be fatal. This is both a side effect of spraying and intentional.
- Climate Modification: To help or hurt crops, keep skies clear for a major event (like the Olympics), cause a typhoon, steer super storms, etc.
- Nano-fiber Propagation: To universally install a BioAPI in everyone they need to spray nano-fibers. These fibers cannot be put into the food supply or given in some other way, the uptake across the population would take forever and not propagate very effectively. It's much easier just to spray everyone like an insect; and because it's happening to everyone the universal herd mentality of the unwashed masses then justifies it.
In 1999 the world changed. The money trust, the law (commerical code/contract law, applicability of public/statutory presumptions, etc.), technology (nano-tech), and the general direction of the planet completely changed. In order to even remotely grasp what is happening you must disconnect your mind from the last century's way of thinking. Failure to change the way you think will preclude you from seeing reality accurately. There is no money anymore, taxes are a thing of the past and no written law applies to you.
So what we now have is a real brave new world. The purpose of this site is to simply show the extent at which they have leveraged nano-technology directly on you, how they control everyone on demand with it, and end the confusion around the subject of chemtrails and how they fit into the larger picture while showing how the media and movies are conditioning the mind of the general public.
Let's just get right to it. Forget everything you know. Here it is, the epitome of reality. This video is the best example that summarizes what's happening or has happened in your body already. This is the most prevalent secret in the whole world because it has been forced onto everyone unknowingly.
So what we now have is a real brave new world. The purpose of this site is to simply show the extent at which they have leveraged nano-technology directly on you, how they control everyone on demand with it, and end the confusion around the subject of chemtrails and how they fit into the larger picture while showing how the media and movies are conditioning the mind of the general public.
Let's just get right to it. Forget everything you know. Here it is, the epitome of reality. This video is the best example that summarizes what's happening or has happened in your body already. This is the most prevalent secret in the whole world because it has been forced onto everyone unknowingly.
CHEMTRAILS México (Querétaro) y en el Mundo
El Grupo 2 Para las 2 :
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