jueves, 31 de marzo de 2011
*ALERT**ALERT* Secret Covenant End Times the Hidden Elite. Are Not hidd...
La Agenda de los que tienen los hilos de esta ilusión, está corriendo rapidamente. Despertar a la Conciencia, AHORA.
lunes, 28 de marzo de 2011
Japan fights the NWO! Other countries are following! Wake up the world! ...
Todo en esta MATRIX es fabricado, causa y efecto, no hay CASUALIDADES. Sólo el analisis y nuestra CONCIENCIA nos guían a la verdad.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWXtT-j_m5I parte 2 de 8
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWgyl59uXA0 parte 3 de 8
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4tfxAXpayo parte 4 de 8
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HydV1I_PaI parte 5 de 8
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WdlfIhmCUw parte 6 de 8
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGHcyha1rjA parte 7 de 8
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjmDlu6zlxE parte 8 de 8
The people of Japan do not want to finance genocidal mass murderers any more
Below is a transcript of testimony in the Japanese Parliament that was broadcast live nationwide on NHK television. The Member of Parliament talking about 911 is Yukihisa Fujita from the Democratic Party of Japan. After the testimony Mr. Fujita says he got lots of phone calls from other members of Parliament thanking him for having the bravery to bring up 911 in Parliament. He also got one death threat.
Meanwhile, I asked the Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan to invite him for a press conference. Each of several attempts to send an e-mail to the FCCJ about this resulting in my hotmail account freezing and my computer crashing. Also, it was amazing to watch the shameless verbal acrobatics of American corporate journalists trying to prevent this press conference from taking place. Fortunately, journalists from the rest of the world supported a press conference and we will try to get it to take place as soon as possible.
The secret government's control of Japan is falling apart. A few weeks ago one of Japan's leading commercial TV networks also broadcast a 911 truth program during prime time. One other national network and several local networks have also broadcast such programs.
The people of Japan do not want to finance genocidal mass murderers any more.
Head of the committee:We will now begin the first session of the defense and foreign affairs committee.
We will now start discussing the special anti-terror law. .We now call on Mr. Yukihisa Fujita
Fujita standing in front of microphone: .
This will be the last televised broadcast of this committee for so I would like to talk about the origin of the war on terrorism which was the attacks of 911. On September 11 of 2002 I went to a theater house for a charity concert to help build a school in Afghanistan. They chose to have the charity concert on that day as a gesture of respect for the dead. Normally 911 commemorative events are for the people who died in New York but the people who held this event decided that more innocent people died as a result of 911 in Afghanistan than in New York. So they built a grade school near where the statue of Buddha was destroyed in Bamiyan. The name of the school is "the school of hope." They also lit candles to commemorate the dead both in Afghanistan and in New York in the year 2002, one year after the attacks. So, when discussing these anti-terror laws we should ask ourselves, what was 911, what is terrorism? So today, I would like to talk about the beginning of the war on terror.
So, I would like to ask the people who call this law an anti-terror law to realize that the biggest victim of the war on terrorism has been Afghanistan so I believe helping the people of Afghanistan should be our biggest priority. I would like to ask Mr. Inuzuka about this.
Tadashi Inuzuka walking to the microphone:
As Mr. Fujita says the main purpose of this law is to provide peace and security to Afghanistan. And, as he says, the biggest sufferers have been the people of Afghanistan. Afghanistan has 1.7 times the land area of Japan and 20 some million people live there. Also, because of a drought on the Eurasian continent close to 5 million have died due to water shortages. Even now 1 million people live close to the main battlegrounds. So, the main purpose is to provide stability to those war zones so in that context what should Japan do? However, instead of providing support by providing fuel to the U.S. forces we at the Democratic Party have decided that providing water is more important. The philosophy behind our anti-terror law is to get the ruling party to help deal with this problem.
Head of the committee: Mr. Fujita
Mr. Fujita:
I would like to talk about the origins of this war on terrorism. You may recall that in November I asked you if terrorism was war or if it was a crime. And the whole start of this war on terrorism was 911. What I want to know is if this event was caused by Al Qaeda or not. So far the only thing the government has said is that we think it was caused by Al Qaeda because President Bush told us so. We have not seen any real proof that it was Al Qaeda. I would like to know why the Prime Minister thinks it was the Taliban who was responsible for 911. Committee Chief, I want to ask the Prime Minister because he was chief cabinet officer at the time.
Prime Minister Fukuda:
Since the attacks we have communicated with the U.S. government and other governments at different levels and exchanged information. According to secret information obtained by our government and reports put together by foreign governments the 911 attacks were carried out by the international terrorist organization known as Al Qaeda.
Mr. Fujita:
So, you are talking about both secret and disclosed information. My question is has the Japanese government carried out its own investigation using the police and other resources? It is a crime so surely an investigation needs to be carried out. When a Japanese journalist was shot in Myanmar you carried out an investigation. In the same way over 20 Japanese people died on 911 so surely the government carried out its own investigation and decided that Al Qaeda was responsible. So, what kind of investigation did you carry out? At the time you were Chief Cabinet Secretary so surely you would know better than anybody so I want to ask you about your investigation.
Prime Minister Fukuda:
After the 911 attacks the National Police Agency sent an emergency anti-terror team to New York. They met with U.S. government officials and gathered information about missing Japanese.
Mr. Fujita:
So you are saying over 20 people died as a result of a crime and most of those people were working in New York. Also there were some Japanese who died in the four airplanes that were hijacked. I would like to know exactly how many people died in the buildings and how many died in the airplanes. I also want to know how you confirmed this. I would like the Foreign Minister to answer for me.
Foreign Minister Masahiko Komura standing at right in front of microphone:
We found the bodies of over a dozen Japanese following the simultaneous terror attacks carried out on September 11 2001. We were also informed about the death of 11 more people by the U.S. authorities. In total 24 Japanese died in those attacks. Of those 2 were in the airplanes.
Mr. Fujita:
I would like to ask what flights the two Japanese who died in the airplanes were on and how you determined who they were. If the foreign minister does not know it is OK to get a bureaucrat to answer:
Foreign Ministry division chief Ryoji Tanizaki:
Since this a question of fact, I will answer. As the Foreign Minister said, of the 24 people who died two were on the airplanes. One of them was on United Flight 93 and the other was on American airlines flight 11.As for how we know this, well I do not have the information in front of me but we were told by U.S. authorities and, in general, they use DNA testing. So we believe that is how we know about those two people.
Mr. Fujita:
So you are saying you do not know because you do not have the documents. Also, you say you believe there was DNA testing but you do not know. So what I want to say today is that this was a crime and crimes are supposed to be investigated. So the government needs to inform the victims families of the results of their investigation. Also, instead of just observing the anniversary of 911 every year you must be gathering information and reacting to it. So, during the past six years have you been supplying the families of the deceased with information? I would like to ask the Foreign Minister to answer.
Foreign Minister Masahiko Komura:
So you do not want to ask any more about how we confirmed the deaths of Japanese but want to know about reports to the victims families? We provided the families with information about the bodies and about compensation funds. Also, for the 13 Japanese whose remains we found, we helped the families deal with the bodies. We also financial support visits to the World Trade Center site for the families on every anniversary.
Mr. Fujita:
Since I do not have much time I would like to ask about the suspicious information being uncovered and the doubts people world wide are having about the events of 911. Many of these doubters are very influential people. In such circumstances I believe the Japanese government, which claims the attacks were carried out by Al Qaeda, should be providing the victims families with this new information. In that context I would like to ask several questions.
First of all I would like to get all members of the committee to look at this panel and look at the pictures I have provided you with. This is concrete evidence in the form of photographs and other types of information. The first photograph has computer graphics attached to show how large the plane that hit the Pentagon was. A 757 is quite a large airplane with a width of 38 meters. So as you can see even though such a large plane hit the pentagon there is only a hole that is too small for the airplane. This is a photograph taken of firemen at work and you can also see there is no damage of the sort an airplane that large should make. I would also like you to look at the lawn in front and notice that there are no airplane parts on it. Let us now look at the third picture, which is also of the pentagon taken from a U.S. TV news report has captions that show the roof of the Pentagon is still intact. Again even though a huge airplane is supposed to have hit, there is not enough corresponding damage. Now let us move to the next photograph. Here is a photograph of a hole, as Minister Komura knows the Pentagon is a very strong building with many walls. Yet the airplane has pierced them. But as you know, airplanes are made of the lightest possible material. An airplane made of such light material could not make a hole like that. Next I would like to show a photograph of how the airplane hit the building. The airplane made a U-turn, avoiding the Defense Secretary's office and hitting the only part of the Pentagon that had been specially reinforced to withstand a bomb attack.
Also, in the middle of page five we have a comment from a U.S. airforce official. He says I have flown the two types of airplane used on 911 and I cannot believe it would be possible for someone who is flying one for the first time to be able to carry out such a maneuver. Also, as you know, they have not recovered the flight recorders from most of these 4 airplanes. Also, there were more than 80 security cameras at the Pentagon but they have refused to release almost all of the footage. In any case, as you have just seen there is no picture of the airplane or of its wreckage in any of these photographs. It is very strange that no such pictures have been shown to us.
As you know Japan's self-defense forces have their headquarters in Ichigaya. Can you imagine if an airplane hit a major city, if an hour and a half after an airplane hit New York that an airplane could hit the Pentagon? In such a situation how could our allies allow such an attack to take place. I would like the Defense Minister to answer this.
Defense Minister Fuyushiba Ishiba:
I have not prepared so I will have to answer ad-lib. If such a situation took place then the airforce would send fighters up to shoot down any airplanes. This is what happened with an attack on the German constitutional court. In the case of Japan our reaction would depend on what kind of airplane it was, who was flying it and what their purpose was. However, according to our laws it might be hard to order an airplane to be shot down just because it was flying at a low level. We would probably have self-defense forces fly with it and ask for a cabinet decision. Since an airplane would have many people on board we would have do discuss what to do. This happened a long time ago but a Cesna airplane was flown into the house of a person called Yoshio Kodama. There was also an All Japan Airways flight bound for Hakodate that was hijacked and had the pilot killed. It would be best if such a thing never happened but we need to prepare new laws for such situations and discuss them in Parliament.
Mr. Fujita:
Since we are running out of time I would like to present a new piece of evidence. Please look at this panel. The first picture is one you see often of the two towers that were hit by hijacked airplanes. I could understand if this happened right after the airplanes hit but here we can see large piece of material flying a large distance through the air. Some flew 150 meters. You can objects flying in this picture as if there was an explosion. Here is a picture I took from a book. This lets you see how far the objects flew. The third picture is of a fireman who was involved in the rescue talking about a series of explosions in the building that sounded like a professional demolition. We cannot present video today so I have written a translation of what the fireman said. Here his is saying "it went boom boom boom like explosions were going off."
Here is something said by a Japanese research team of officials from the fire department and the construction ministry. The interviewed a Japanese survivor who said that while she was fleeing there were explosions. This testimony appears in a report prepared with the aid of the construction ministry and the fire department. Now I would like you to see the following picture. Normally it is said that the twin towers collapsed because they were hit by airplanes. However, one block away from the twin towers is building number 7. It can be seen in the following map a block away from the WTC. This building collapsed 7 hours after the WTC buildings were attacked. If I could show you a video it would be easy to understand but take a look at this photograph. This is a 47 story building that fell in this manner (He drops and object to demonstrate). The building falls in five or six seconds. It is about the same speed as an object would fall in a vacuum. This building falls like something you would see in a Kabuki show. Also if falls while keeping its shape. Remember it was not hit by an airplane. You have to ask yourself if a building could fall in that manner due to a fire after 7 hours. Here we have a copy of the 911 commission report. This is a report put out by the U.S. government in July of 2004 but this report does not mention the collapse of the building I just described. It is not mentioned at all in here (he waves the book). FEMA also issued a report but they also fail to mention this building. Many people believe, especially after seeing the story about building number 7, that something is strange. Since this is an incident where many people died people think is should be investigated.
We are running out of time but I would also like to mention the put options. Just before the 911 attacks, ie on September 6th, 7th and 8th there were put options put out on the stocks of the two airlines United and American that were hit by hijackers. There were also put options on Merril Lynch, one of the biggest WTC tenants. In other words somebody had insider information and made a fortune selling put options of these stocks. The head of Germany's Bundesbank at the time, who is equivalent to the Governor of the Bank of Japan, said there are lots of facts to prove the people involved in the terror attacks profited from insider information. He said there was lots of suspicious trading involving financial companies etc prior to the attacks. The had of the Bundesbank was willing to say this much. I would like to ask the Finance Minster about these put options. Did the government of Japan know about this, and what do you think about this? I would like to ask Finance Minister Nukaga about this.
Finance Minister Fukushiro Nukaga:
I was in Burkina Fasso in Africa when I heard about this incident. I decided to fly immediately to the U.S. but when I got to Paris I was told there were no flights to America. So I only heard what was reported later about the facts. I know there have been reports about the points you raise. So we made it obligatory that people provide ID for securities transactions and for suspicious transactions to be reported and we made it a crime to provide money to terrorist organizations. We believe the international financial system should not be abused. In any case, terrorism is a horrible thing and must be condemned. This type of terrorism cannot be stopped by one country but needs to be stopped by international society.
Mr. Fujita:
I would like to ask finance specialist Mr. Asao to tell me about put options. A group of people with large amounts of money, clear insider information and financial expertise would have been necessary for such a thing to take place. Could a few terrorists in Afghanistand and Pakistan carry out such a sophisticated and large scale set of transactions? I would like to ask Mr. Asao to respond.
Keiichiro Asao:
I understand put options are a deal to sell stocks at a fixed price. In this case somebody must have had insider information to carry out such transactions because nobody could normally predict these airlines would have their planes hijacked. So, I believe this was certainly a case of insider trading.
Mr. Fujita:
Prime Minister, you were Chief Cabinet Secretary at the time and as somebody has already noted, this was an incident of the sort that humanity had never previously experienced. Also, there appears to be a lot more information about this incident coming out now than came out in the months after the attacks. Now that we are an internet and visual society, this information is being made public so if we look at the situation now, the whole starting point for these two laws , the start of the war on terror itself, as you have seen from the information I have presented, has not been properly investigated or analyzed. So I do not believe the government has acted properly by investigating this incident or asking the U.S. government for an explanation. So far we have not started refueling U.S. ships yet so I think we need to go back to the beginning and not just simply and blindly trust the U.S. government explanation and indirect information provided by them. There were too many victims so I think we need to start again from the beginning. We need to ask who the real victims of this war on terrorism are. I think the citizens of the world are its victims. Here in Japan we have disappearing pensions and disappearing records about victims of Hepatitis C contaminated blood but everything I have presented on facts and confirmable evidence. Let us talk about the vanishing black boxes, vanishing airplanes and vanishing remains. Also lots of the remains of these buildings have disappeared. Even FEMA says that prevented it from carrying out a proper investigation. We need to look at this evidence and ask ourselves what the war on terrorism really is. I can see the ministers nodding in agreement but I would like to ask Prime Minister Fukuda. Please look at me. I have heard that when you were Chief Cabinet Minister at the time you felt many strange things about these attacks. Do you not think it was strange?
Prime Minister Fukuda:
I never said I thought it was strange.
Mr. Fujita:
Prime Minister what about the origin of the war on terror and the idea of whether it is right or wrong to participate in it? Is there really a reason to participate in this war on terror? Do we really need to participate? I would also like to ask about how to really stop terrorism.
Prime Minister Fukuda:
We believe based on evidence provided to us by the U.S. government that the attacks of 911 were carried out by Al Qaeda. We need to put an end to Al Qaeda terrorism. That is why international society is united in the fight against terrorism. Here, concerning a law passed by the Democratic Party last year and based on UN resolution 16595. This is a resolution passed in response to the terrorist attacks on the U.S. So you passed the law agreeing with the UN didn't you?
Mr Fujita:
Did you confirm about the bodies and the facts behind the resolution because that is why you claim to be participating in this war on terrorism. So I believe to end terrorism we need to pass a law that actually helps the people of Afghanistan. I would like Mr. Inuzuka to talk about the law and about the fight against terrorism.
Tadashi Inuzuka:
Among the many problems raised by MP Fujita the thing we need to worry most about is that the people in Afghanistan can live in peace and without worries. That is the core of the issue of ending terrorism. Without discussing this but just operating behind the back lines by supplying oil and not thinking about the entire situation or the people involved it is nonsense to debate this law. This law should be made for peace and security in Afghanistan. Our country needs to pass a real anti-terror law.
Meanwhile, I asked the Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan to invite him for a press conference. Each of several attempts to send an e-mail to the FCCJ about this resulting in my hotmail account freezing and my computer crashing. Also, it was amazing to watch the shameless verbal acrobatics of American corporate journalists trying to prevent this press conference from taking place. Fortunately, journalists from the rest of the world supported a press conference and we will try to get it to take place as soon as possible.
The secret government's control of Japan is falling apart. A few weeks ago one of Japan's leading commercial TV networks also broadcast a 911 truth program during prime time. One other national network and several local networks have also broadcast such programs.
The people of Japan do not want to finance genocidal mass murderers any more.
Head of the committee:We will now begin the first session of the defense and foreign affairs committee.
We will now start discussing the special anti-terror law. .We now call on Mr. Yukihisa Fujita
Fujita standing in front of microphone: .
This will be the last televised broadcast of this committee for so I would like to talk about the origin of the war on terrorism which was the attacks of 911. On September 11 of 2002 I went to a theater house for a charity concert to help build a school in Afghanistan. They chose to have the charity concert on that day as a gesture of respect for the dead. Normally 911 commemorative events are for the people who died in New York but the people who held this event decided that more innocent people died as a result of 911 in Afghanistan than in New York. So they built a grade school near where the statue of Buddha was destroyed in Bamiyan. The name of the school is "the school of hope." They also lit candles to commemorate the dead both in Afghanistan and in New York in the year 2002, one year after the attacks. So, when discussing these anti-terror laws we should ask ourselves, what was 911, what is terrorism? So today, I would like to talk about the beginning of the war on terror.
So, I would like to ask the people who call this law an anti-terror law to realize that the biggest victim of the war on terrorism has been Afghanistan so I believe helping the people of Afghanistan should be our biggest priority. I would like to ask Mr. Inuzuka about this.
Tadashi Inuzuka walking to the microphone:
As Mr. Fujita says the main purpose of this law is to provide peace and security to Afghanistan. And, as he says, the biggest sufferers have been the people of Afghanistan. Afghanistan has 1.7 times the land area of Japan and 20 some million people live there. Also, because of a drought on the Eurasian continent close to 5 million have died due to water shortages. Even now 1 million people live close to the main battlegrounds. So, the main purpose is to provide stability to those war zones so in that context what should Japan do? However, instead of providing support by providing fuel to the U.S. forces we at the Democratic Party have decided that providing water is more important. The philosophy behind our anti-terror law is to get the ruling party to help deal with this problem.
Head of the committee: Mr. Fujita
Mr. Fujita:
I would like to talk about the origins of this war on terrorism. You may recall that in November I asked you if terrorism was war or if it was a crime. And the whole start of this war on terrorism was 911. What I want to know is if this event was caused by Al Qaeda or not. So far the only thing the government has said is that we think it was caused by Al Qaeda because President Bush told us so. We have not seen any real proof that it was Al Qaeda. I would like to know why the Prime Minister thinks it was the Taliban who was responsible for 911. Committee Chief, I want to ask the Prime Minister because he was chief cabinet officer at the time.
Prime Minister Fukuda:
Since the attacks we have communicated with the U.S. government and other governments at different levels and exchanged information. According to secret information obtained by our government and reports put together by foreign governments the 911 attacks were carried out by the international terrorist organization known as Al Qaeda.
Mr. Fujita:
So, you are talking about both secret and disclosed information. My question is has the Japanese government carried out its own investigation using the police and other resources? It is a crime so surely an investigation needs to be carried out. When a Japanese journalist was shot in Myanmar you carried out an investigation. In the same way over 20 Japanese people died on 911 so surely the government carried out its own investigation and decided that Al Qaeda was responsible. So, what kind of investigation did you carry out? At the time you were Chief Cabinet Secretary so surely you would know better than anybody so I want to ask you about your investigation.
Prime Minister Fukuda:
After the 911 attacks the National Police Agency sent an emergency anti-terror team to New York. They met with U.S. government officials and gathered information about missing Japanese.
Mr. Fujita:
So you are saying over 20 people died as a result of a crime and most of those people were working in New York. Also there were some Japanese who died in the four airplanes that were hijacked. I would like to know exactly how many people died in the buildings and how many died in the airplanes. I also want to know how you confirmed this. I would like the Foreign Minister to answer for me.
Foreign Minister Masahiko Komura standing at right in front of microphone:
We found the bodies of over a dozen Japanese following the simultaneous terror attacks carried out on September 11 2001. We were also informed about the death of 11 more people by the U.S. authorities. In total 24 Japanese died in those attacks. Of those 2 were in the airplanes.
Mr. Fujita:
I would like to ask what flights the two Japanese who died in the airplanes were on and how you determined who they were. If the foreign minister does not know it is OK to get a bureaucrat to answer:
Foreign Ministry division chief Ryoji Tanizaki:
Since this a question of fact, I will answer. As the Foreign Minister said, of the 24 people who died two were on the airplanes. One of them was on United Flight 93 and the other was on American airlines flight 11.As for how we know this, well I do not have the information in front of me but we were told by U.S. authorities and, in general, they use DNA testing. So we believe that is how we know about those two people.
Mr. Fujita:
So you are saying you do not know because you do not have the documents. Also, you say you believe there was DNA testing but you do not know. So what I want to say today is that this was a crime and crimes are supposed to be investigated. So the government needs to inform the victims families of the results of their investigation. Also, instead of just observing the anniversary of 911 every year you must be gathering information and reacting to it. So, during the past six years have you been supplying the families of the deceased with information? I would like to ask the Foreign Minister to answer.
Foreign Minister Masahiko Komura:
So you do not want to ask any more about how we confirmed the deaths of Japanese but want to know about reports to the victims families? We provided the families with information about the bodies and about compensation funds. Also, for the 13 Japanese whose remains we found, we helped the families deal with the bodies. We also financial support visits to the World Trade Center site for the families on every anniversary.
Mr. Fujita:
Since I do not have much time I would like to ask about the suspicious information being uncovered and the doubts people world wide are having about the events of 911. Many of these doubters are very influential people. In such circumstances I believe the Japanese government, which claims the attacks were carried out by Al Qaeda, should be providing the victims families with this new information. In that context I would like to ask several questions.
First of all I would like to get all members of the committee to look at this panel and look at the pictures I have provided you with. This is concrete evidence in the form of photographs and other types of information. The first photograph has computer graphics attached to show how large the plane that hit the Pentagon was. A 757 is quite a large airplane with a width of 38 meters. So as you can see even though such a large plane hit the pentagon there is only a hole that is too small for the airplane. This is a photograph taken of firemen at work and you can also see there is no damage of the sort an airplane that large should make. I would also like you to look at the lawn in front and notice that there are no airplane parts on it. Let us now look at the third picture, which is also of the pentagon taken from a U.S. TV news report has captions that show the roof of the Pentagon is still intact. Again even though a huge airplane is supposed to have hit, there is not enough corresponding damage. Now let us move to the next photograph. Here is a photograph of a hole, as Minister Komura knows the Pentagon is a very strong building with many walls. Yet the airplane has pierced them. But as you know, airplanes are made of the lightest possible material. An airplane made of such light material could not make a hole like that. Next I would like to show a photograph of how the airplane hit the building. The airplane made a U-turn, avoiding the Defense Secretary's office and hitting the only part of the Pentagon that had been specially reinforced to withstand a bomb attack.
Also, in the middle of page five we have a comment from a U.S. airforce official. He says I have flown the two types of airplane used on 911 and I cannot believe it would be possible for someone who is flying one for the first time to be able to carry out such a maneuver. Also, as you know, they have not recovered the flight recorders from most of these 4 airplanes. Also, there were more than 80 security cameras at the Pentagon but they have refused to release almost all of the footage. In any case, as you have just seen there is no picture of the airplane or of its wreckage in any of these photographs. It is very strange that no such pictures have been shown to us.
As you know Japan's self-defense forces have their headquarters in Ichigaya. Can you imagine if an airplane hit a major city, if an hour and a half after an airplane hit New York that an airplane could hit the Pentagon? In such a situation how could our allies allow such an attack to take place. I would like the Defense Minister to answer this.
Defense Minister Fuyushiba Ishiba:
I have not prepared so I will have to answer ad-lib. If such a situation took place then the airforce would send fighters up to shoot down any airplanes. This is what happened with an attack on the German constitutional court. In the case of Japan our reaction would depend on what kind of airplane it was, who was flying it and what their purpose was. However, according to our laws it might be hard to order an airplane to be shot down just because it was flying at a low level. We would probably have self-defense forces fly with it and ask for a cabinet decision. Since an airplane would have many people on board we would have do discuss what to do. This happened a long time ago but a Cesna airplane was flown into the house of a person called Yoshio Kodama. There was also an All Japan Airways flight bound for Hakodate that was hijacked and had the pilot killed. It would be best if such a thing never happened but we need to prepare new laws for such situations and discuss them in Parliament.
Mr. Fujita:
Since we are running out of time I would like to present a new piece of evidence. Please look at this panel. The first picture is one you see often of the two towers that were hit by hijacked airplanes. I could understand if this happened right after the airplanes hit but here we can see large piece of material flying a large distance through the air. Some flew 150 meters. You can objects flying in this picture as if there was an explosion. Here is a picture I took from a book. This lets you see how far the objects flew. The third picture is of a fireman who was involved in the rescue talking about a series of explosions in the building that sounded like a professional demolition. We cannot present video today so I have written a translation of what the fireman said. Here his is saying "it went boom boom boom like explosions were going off."
Here is something said by a Japanese research team of officials from the fire department and the construction ministry. The interviewed a Japanese survivor who said that while she was fleeing there were explosions. This testimony appears in a report prepared with the aid of the construction ministry and the fire department. Now I would like you to see the following picture. Normally it is said that the twin towers collapsed because they were hit by airplanes. However, one block away from the twin towers is building number 7. It can be seen in the following map a block away from the WTC. This building collapsed 7 hours after the WTC buildings were attacked. If I could show you a video it would be easy to understand but take a look at this photograph. This is a 47 story building that fell in this manner (He drops and object to demonstrate). The building falls in five or six seconds. It is about the same speed as an object would fall in a vacuum. This building falls like something you would see in a Kabuki show. Also if falls while keeping its shape. Remember it was not hit by an airplane. You have to ask yourself if a building could fall in that manner due to a fire after 7 hours. Here we have a copy of the 911 commission report. This is a report put out by the U.S. government in July of 2004 but this report does not mention the collapse of the building I just described. It is not mentioned at all in here (he waves the book). FEMA also issued a report but they also fail to mention this building. Many people believe, especially after seeing the story about building number 7, that something is strange. Since this is an incident where many people died people think is should be investigated.
We are running out of time but I would also like to mention the put options. Just before the 911 attacks, ie on September 6th, 7th and 8th there were put options put out on the stocks of the two airlines United and American that were hit by hijackers. There were also put options on Merril Lynch, one of the biggest WTC tenants. In other words somebody had insider information and made a fortune selling put options of these stocks. The head of Germany's Bundesbank at the time, who is equivalent to the Governor of the Bank of Japan, said there are lots of facts to prove the people involved in the terror attacks profited from insider information. He said there was lots of suspicious trading involving financial companies etc prior to the attacks. The had of the Bundesbank was willing to say this much. I would like to ask the Finance Minster about these put options. Did the government of Japan know about this, and what do you think about this? I would like to ask Finance Minister Nukaga about this.
Finance Minister Fukushiro Nukaga:
I was in Burkina Fasso in Africa when I heard about this incident. I decided to fly immediately to the U.S. but when I got to Paris I was told there were no flights to America. So I only heard what was reported later about the facts. I know there have been reports about the points you raise. So we made it obligatory that people provide ID for securities transactions and for suspicious transactions to be reported and we made it a crime to provide money to terrorist organizations. We believe the international financial system should not be abused. In any case, terrorism is a horrible thing and must be condemned. This type of terrorism cannot be stopped by one country but needs to be stopped by international society.
Mr. Fujita:
I would like to ask finance specialist Mr. Asao to tell me about put options. A group of people with large amounts of money, clear insider information and financial expertise would have been necessary for such a thing to take place. Could a few terrorists in Afghanistand and Pakistan carry out such a sophisticated and large scale set of transactions? I would like to ask Mr. Asao to respond.
Keiichiro Asao:
I understand put options are a deal to sell stocks at a fixed price. In this case somebody must have had insider information to carry out such transactions because nobody could normally predict these airlines would have their planes hijacked. So, I believe this was certainly a case of insider trading.
Mr. Fujita:
Prime Minister, you were Chief Cabinet Secretary at the time and as somebody has already noted, this was an incident of the sort that humanity had never previously experienced. Also, there appears to be a lot more information about this incident coming out now than came out in the months after the attacks. Now that we are an internet and visual society, this information is being made public so if we look at the situation now, the whole starting point for these two laws , the start of the war on terror itself, as you have seen from the information I have presented, has not been properly investigated or analyzed. So I do not believe the government has acted properly by investigating this incident or asking the U.S. government for an explanation. So far we have not started refueling U.S. ships yet so I think we need to go back to the beginning and not just simply and blindly trust the U.S. government explanation and indirect information provided by them. There were too many victims so I think we need to start again from the beginning. We need to ask who the real victims of this war on terrorism are. I think the citizens of the world are its victims. Here in Japan we have disappearing pensions and disappearing records about victims of Hepatitis C contaminated blood but everything I have presented on facts and confirmable evidence. Let us talk about the vanishing black boxes, vanishing airplanes and vanishing remains. Also lots of the remains of these buildings have disappeared. Even FEMA says that prevented it from carrying out a proper investigation. We need to look at this evidence and ask ourselves what the war on terrorism really is. I can see the ministers nodding in agreement but I would like to ask Prime Minister Fukuda. Please look at me. I have heard that when you were Chief Cabinet Minister at the time you felt many strange things about these attacks. Do you not think it was strange?
Prime Minister Fukuda:
I never said I thought it was strange.
Mr. Fujita:
Prime Minister what about the origin of the war on terror and the idea of whether it is right or wrong to participate in it? Is there really a reason to participate in this war on terror? Do we really need to participate? I would also like to ask about how to really stop terrorism.
Prime Minister Fukuda:
We believe based on evidence provided to us by the U.S. government that the attacks of 911 were carried out by Al Qaeda. We need to put an end to Al Qaeda terrorism. That is why international society is united in the fight against terrorism. Here, concerning a law passed by the Democratic Party last year and based on UN resolution 16595. This is a resolution passed in response to the terrorist attacks on the U.S. So you passed the law agreeing with the UN didn't you?
Mr Fujita:
Did you confirm about the bodies and the facts behind the resolution because that is why you claim to be participating in this war on terrorism. So I believe to end terrorism we need to pass a law that actually helps the people of Afghanistan. I would like Mr. Inuzuka to talk about the law and about the fight against terrorism.
Tadashi Inuzuka:
Among the many problems raised by MP Fujita the thing we need to worry most about is that the people in Afghanistan can live in peace and without worries. That is the core of the issue of ending terrorism. Without discussing this but just operating behind the back lines by supplying oil and not thinking about the entire situation or the people involved it is nonsense to debate this law. This law should be made for peace and security in Afghanistan. Our country needs to pass a real anti-terror law.
domingo, 27 de marzo de 2011
miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2011
Scientist Leuren Moret - Japan earthquake and nuclear "accident" are tec...
Independent scientist Leuren Moret, whose 2004 landmark article in the Japan Times unmasked lies and distortions by government and company officials that led to the construction of nuclear power plants in seismically dangerous areas, has declared in an exclusive 65-minute video interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre that the "Japan earthquake and "accidents" at the Fukushima's 6 nuclear power plant units starting March 11, 2011 are in fact deliberate acts of tectonic nuclear warfare, carried out against the populations ecology of Japan and the nations of the Northern Hemisphere, including the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.
Libia: lo que oculta la Operación Amanecer de Odisea
ES HORA DE CONOCER LA VERDAD ,,despertar es el llamado! y salir de esta MATRIX!
viernes, 18 de marzo de 2011
jueves, 17 de marzo de 2011
With four busted reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi site, engineers and rescue workers have plenty to do just to keep all their plates spinning. But over the past few days, there always seems to be one reactor causing them more headaches than others. Yesterday it was reactor 4, with its coolant pool empty of water and the spent fuel rods stored there emitting massive waves of gamma radiation.
Today it's rector 3. The day began—at least in the West—with images of helicopters flying over the reactor building, dumping seven-ton loads of water in an attempt both to cool the containment vessel and prevent that storage pool from drying up as well. But what makes reactor 3 so special? In one acronymic word: MOX.
All of the fuel rods in all of the other reactors are made essentially of uranium with a zirconium cladding to seal in radioactive emissions. Reactor 4 uses something different. Its fuel rod are only 94% uranium, with 6% plutonium stirred in and then the same zirconium shell. This mixed oxide (hence the MOX moniker) formulation has one advantage—and a number of disadvantages.
The advantage—no surprise—is money. Plutonium is a natural byproduct of radioactive decay and spent fuel rods are thus full of the stuff. You can always put them into long term storage for a few dozen millennia—which is where most spent rods have to go–but you can also reprocess some of the waste and combine it with pricier uranium for a cheaper and still energy-intensive rod. With nuclear power still more expensive than fossil fuels like coal, manufacturers need to save where they can to remain competitive, and MOX is a good budget cutter.
But MOX is also temperamental. Physicist Arjun Makhijani, president of the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research in Takma Park, MD., spoke to TIME earlier in the week and heaped scorn on the Mark 1 reactors used at the Daiichi site. His criticism in that conversation was the comparatively flimsy (by nuclear reactor standards at least) containment vessels used in the Mark 1s. But he's no fan of the use of MOX either.
"This sort of fuel is more difficult to control than uranium fuel," he told the Augusta Chronicle. "The risk of accidental criticality are different. You have the same kinds of problems, they are just more intense with plutonium."
What Makhijani means by "accidental criticality," of course, is that the stuff just combusts more easily. That's particularly dangerous in a Mark 1, according to some studies. A report by the Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, for example, found that in the event of a core meltdown, a Mark 1's containment vessel has a 42% chance of failing—a whole lot closer to a coin flip than you want with something like a nuclear reactor
And when plutonium is dispersed into the wind you want to be pretty much anywhere else.
Today it's rector 3. The day began—at least in the West—with images of helicopters flying over the reactor building, dumping seven-ton loads of water in an attempt both to cool the containment vessel and prevent that storage pool from drying up as well. But what makes reactor 3 so special? In one acronymic word: MOX.
All of the fuel rods in all of the other reactors are made essentially of uranium with a zirconium cladding to seal in radioactive emissions. Reactor 4 uses something different. Its fuel rod are only 94% uranium, with 6% plutonium stirred in and then the same zirconium shell. This mixed oxide (hence the MOX moniker) formulation has one advantage—and a number of disadvantages.
The advantage—no surprise—is money. Plutonium is a natural byproduct of radioactive decay and spent fuel rods are thus full of the stuff. You can always put them into long term storage for a few dozen millennia—which is where most spent rods have to go–but you can also reprocess some of the waste and combine it with pricier uranium for a cheaper and still energy-intensive rod. With nuclear power still more expensive than fossil fuels like coal, manufacturers need to save where they can to remain competitive, and MOX is a good budget cutter.
But MOX is also temperamental. Physicist Arjun Makhijani, president of the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research in Takma Park, MD., spoke to TIME earlier in the week and heaped scorn on the Mark 1 reactors used at the Daiichi site. His criticism in that conversation was the comparatively flimsy (by nuclear reactor standards at least) containment vessels used in the Mark 1s. But he's no fan of the use of MOX either.
"This sort of fuel is more difficult to control than uranium fuel," he told the Augusta Chronicle. "The risk of accidental criticality are different. You have the same kinds of problems, they are just more intense with plutonium."
What Makhijani means by "accidental criticality," of course, is that the stuff just combusts more easily. That's particularly dangerous in a Mark 1, according to some studies. A report by the Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, for example, found that in the event of a core meltdown, a Mark 1's containment vessel has a 42% chance of failing—a whole lot closer to a coin flip than you want with something like a nuclear reactor
And when plutonium is dispersed into the wind you want to be pretty much anywhere else.
As I reported last week, there are four kidns of carcinogenic isotopes released when a nuke plant blows: iodine-131, cesium-137, strontium-90 and plutonium-239.
Plutonium is not only the most lethal of the four ("extrordinarily toxic" is how Dr. Ira Helfand, a board member for Physicians for Social Responsibility, describes it), it also hangs around the longest.
It's half life is a whopping 24,000 years, and since radioactive contamination is dangerous for 10 to 20 times the length of the isotope's half.life, that means plutonium emitted in Fukushima today will still be around in close to half a million years.
mark 1,
reactor nuclear,
Japón ha sido presa de un Terremoto y Tsunami provocado por HAARP ?: Benjamin Fulford
Hace ahora ya tres años que el ex director de la revista Forbes en Japón, Benjamin Fulford, con conexiones con la élite japonesa, anunció que el gobierno de Rockefeller en Estados Unidos iba a crear un terremoto para impedir que el país nipón se independizara, de hecho, de ese país.
Y la sospecha se extiende cuando se encuentran rastros de que las instalaciones de HAARP (las instalaciones de antenas como armas de ondas) han estado en funcionamiento en estos días. Lo cual nos coloca en la guerra climatológica como explicación de este apocalipsis.
"The earthquake and tsunami attack on Japan by the criminal corporate Washington D.C. cabal was meant to intimidate the people of the world into submission. Instead, it has provoked a threat by a very powerful group outside of the control of the White Dragon Society to “sink England, Italy and the United States into the ocean.” The White Dragon Society and its allies are appealing for calm and a negotiated solution before the planet earth is destroyed. High level negotiations aimed at accomplishing exactly this are now taking place in Tokyo and Osaka". Benjamin Fulford.
miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2011
Boletín UNAM-DGCS-151 Ciudad Universitaria.06:00 hrs. 15 de marzo de 2011 |
martes, 15 de marzo de 2011
Underground information on what's happening at Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan - a dirty bomb waiting to go off
(NaturalNews) NaturalNews has received information directly from an American who happened to be in Tokyo at the time of the nuclear incident and who also happens to have a background in atomic energy and nuclear reactors. He has sent us some extremely disturbing information that seems to indicate the situation with the reactors in Japan is far, far worse than what the conventional media is describing. We are not releasing this individual's name for obvious reasons (he's still in Tokyo and virtually unreachable), but he is an individual who is known to me personally and with whom I have spent a considerable number of hours over a period of two years. He is a very high-integrity individual and someone who is also extremely well connected in the world of advanced medicine.
In an email sent from Tokyo, this individual explains:
"...nuclear reactors use bundles of enriched uranium packed into stainless steel fuel rods in order to generate the heat that drives the turbines. You need to keep these bundles of pins cool otherwise they melt or burst.
Now, it seems the Fukushima power plant pulled spent fuel bundles (a collection of fuel rods) and stored them on site rather than shipping them to another location. Speculation is that in addition to the fires that are damaging the working reactor, these storage areas of their spent fuel bundles could [now] be on fire. This vastly compounds the problem of any meltdown, as this spent fuel will add to the contamination [because] it is extremely toxic.
In other words, as well as dealing with a potential meltdown, you also have the toxic products from the depleted fuel pins adding to the pollution. This is extraordinarily bad. The spent fuel bundles should have been relocated away from the reactor core a long, long time ago. Given the earthquake realities of Japan, these reactor building were basically dirty bombs waiting to be set off by a [natural] disaster."
I want to thank this individual for his continued reporting from Tokyo and assure him that if he chooses to send more information to NaturalNews, we will of course continue to protect his anonymity.
In an email sent from Tokyo, this individual explains:
"...nuclear reactors use bundles of enriched uranium packed into stainless steel fuel rods in order to generate the heat that drives the turbines. You need to keep these bundles of pins cool otherwise they melt or burst.
Now, it seems the Fukushima power plant pulled spent fuel bundles (a collection of fuel rods) and stored them on site rather than shipping them to another location. Speculation is that in addition to the fires that are damaging the working reactor, these storage areas of their spent fuel bundles could [now] be on fire. This vastly compounds the problem of any meltdown, as this spent fuel will add to the contamination [because] it is extremely toxic.
In other words, as well as dealing with a potential meltdown, you also have the toxic products from the depleted fuel pins adding to the pollution. This is extraordinarily bad. The spent fuel bundles should have been relocated away from the reactor core a long, long time ago. Given the earthquake realities of Japan, these reactor building were basically dirty bombs waiting to be set off by a [natural] disaster."
I want to thank this individual for his continued reporting from Tokyo and assure him that if he chooses to send more information to NaturalNews, we will of course continue to protect his anonymity.
Nuclear plant becomes dirty bomb waiting to go off
The upshot of his assessment of the situation is that the Fukushima power plant is now a "dirty bomb" waiting to happen. And it's on fire right now. Radiation levels are rising so rapidly that it's not even safe to work near the plant. This is very rapidly headed into a situation where suicidal volunteers are going to have to "rush in" and do some work on the plant, spend only a few minutes there, then evacuate as quickly as possible. And they'll still get cancer.
This is exactly what happened in Chernobyl following the accident there in 1987. Hundreds of brave volunteers basically committed suicide in order to erect the containment vessel over the melted-down reactor and thereby prevent further radiation from escaping directly into the environment.
As Wikipedia explains (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cherno...):
"The worst of the radioactive debris was collected inside what was left of the reactor, much of it shoveled in by liquidators wearing heavy protective gear (dubbed "bio-robots" by the military); these workers could only spend a maximum of 40 seconds at a time working on the rooftops of the surrounding buildings because of the extremely high doses of radiation given off by the blocks of graphite and other debris. The reactor itself was covered with bags containing sand, lead, and boric acid dropped from helicopters (some 5,000 metric tons during the week following the accident). By December 1986 a large concrete sarcophagus had been erected, to seal off the reactor and its contents. Many of the vehicles used by the "liquidators" remain parked in a field in the Chernobyl area to this day, most giving off doses of 10-30 R/h (0.7-2 uA/kg) over 25 years after the disaster."
This is exactly what happened in Chernobyl following the accident there in 1987. Hundreds of brave volunteers basically committed suicide in order to erect the containment vessel over the melted-down reactor and thereby prevent further radiation from escaping directly into the environment.
As Wikipedia explains (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cherno...):
"The worst of the radioactive debris was collected inside what was left of the reactor, much of it shoveled in by liquidators wearing heavy protective gear (dubbed "bio-robots" by the military); these workers could only spend a maximum of 40 seconds at a time working on the rooftops of the surrounding buildings because of the extremely high doses of radiation given off by the blocks of graphite and other debris. The reactor itself was covered with bags containing sand, lead, and boric acid dropped from helicopters (some 5,000 metric tons during the week following the accident). By December 1986 a large concrete sarcophagus had been erected, to seal off the reactor and its contents. Many of the vehicles used by the "liquidators" remain parked in a field in the Chernobyl area to this day, most giving off doses of 10-30 R/h (0.7-2 uA/kg) over 25 years after the disaster."
Far worse than a terrorism attack
This could be very similar to what we're headed toward in Japan if the people there don't get this situation under control very quickly. Terrorists couldn't have carried out a more deadly disaster than what the "scientific" nuclear power industry has now delivered to the people of Japan.
In the name of scientific progress, the Japanese people are now threatened with the worst kind of death: Death by radiation poisoning -- a slow, suffering breakdown of cellular function at every level. And sadly, Japan has already suffered through a similar scenario near the end of World War II when the United States of America dropped atomic bombs on the civilian Japanese population... twice!
What frightens me in all this is the choice of words from our source who describes the Fukushima site as a "dirty bomb" just waiting to go off. There's a lesson in all this, of course: When you play God with the planet, it might be wise to follow the precautionary principle more closely. This nuclear catastrophe is a mirror image of what we're likely to see in the future of agriculture due to GMOs (genetically engineered seeds). GE seeds are the "genetic dirty bombs" of agriculture, and they too could devastate human civilization in much the same way that nuclear power now threatens the very survival of an entire nation.
In the name of scientific progress, the Japanese people are now threatened with the worst kind of death: Death by radiation poisoning -- a slow, suffering breakdown of cellular function at every level. And sadly, Japan has already suffered through a similar scenario near the end of World War II when the United States of America dropped atomic bombs on the civilian Japanese population... twice!
What frightens me in all this is the choice of words from our source who describes the Fukushima site as a "dirty bomb" just waiting to go off. There's a lesson in all this, of course: When you play God with the planet, it might be wise to follow the precautionary principle more closely. This nuclear catastrophe is a mirror image of what we're likely to see in the future of agriculture due to GMOs (genetically engineered seeds). GE seeds are the "genetic dirty bombs" of agriculture, and they too could devastate human civilization in much the same way that nuclear power now threatens the very survival of an entire nation.
But too many "scientists" are infinitely arrogant, it seems, and they rarely consider the consequences of their dangerous actions. On all the issues that matter -- GMOs and seeds, synthetic chemicals, cell phone radiation, nuclear power, fluoride in the water, mercury fillings and much more -- "science" has delivered suffering and death, not lasting progress. Thanks to these scientists who convince governments to take on nuclear power, GMOs, vaccines or pharmaceuticals, our world is now facing a multi-faceted life extinction crisis that threatens the very future of life on our planet. And Bill Gates thinks the answer is "more vaccines!" (Insane? You betcha...)
The lessons to be learned from Fukushima are the same lessons humanity needs to learn on many other fronts: Don't think you are so brilliant that you can outsmart Mother Nature and the laws of cause and effect. "Science" is no panacea. Science makes too many promises that it cannot keep (Improved crop yields! Clean energy! Amazing vaccines!), and when nations embrace these so-called "scientific" solutions, ultimately they only receive death, fear and financial destruction.
For instance, the pharmaceutical industry has done to the U.S. economy what the Fukushima power plant is about to do to Japan. The promises we were given in the name of science and medicine have all blown up in our faces, leaving only a desolate landscape of destruction and misery in their wake.
It is time we all began to seriously question our "faith" in the false promises of science and instead started to look at more holistic and humble solutions for sustainable life on our planet.
The Amish way of life, for example, may not look high-tech and cool, but it doesn't explode in your face and irradiate your whole country, either. And the Amish do just fine without vaccines, too (and they have near-zero rates of autism, by the way).

The risks of radiation on the human body
Why is the radiation dangerous?
Ionising radiation poses a threat to human health because it can damage human cells at the molecular level and disrupt the body's natural control processes. Moderate exposure can increase the risk of cancer, while high levels this can cause widespread organ failure.
What is a dangerous dose?
A radiation dose is expressed in units of Sievert (Sv). On average, a person is exposed to approximately 3.0 mSv/year, most of which is due to natural sources such as cosmic rays.
The readings at the Fukushima site rose beyond safe limits - 400 millisieverts per hour (mSv/hr), after a third explosion last night. So far nearly 200 people have been taken to hospital with suspected exposure
According to the World Nuclear Authority a radiation dose of 100mSV a year is the lowest level at which any increased risk of cancer is evident.
A cumulative dose of 1,000 millisieverts would increase the incidence of fatal cancer by about five per cent.
A single 1,000 mSv dose causes radiation sickness such as nausea but not death. A single dose of 5,000 mSv would kill about half of those exposed to it within a month.
However, Lam Ching-wan from the University of Hong Kong said: 'Very acute radiation, like that which happened in Chernobyl and to the Japanese workers at the nuclear power station, is unlikely for the population.'
Tokyo reported slightly elevated radiation levels, but officials said the increase was too small to threaten the 39 million people in and around the capital.
What are the symptoms?
Moderate exposure to the radiation will cause symptoms including vomiting, diarrhoea and headaches. It also raises the risk of cancer in the long-term.
High levels of radiation also causes radiation burns, hair loss and potentially fatal damage to internal organs.
How is it treated?
Further contamination is reduced by removing clothes and shoes, and washing the skin with soap and water.
Drugs can increase white blood-cell production to counter any damage that may have occurred to the bone marrow. Potassium iodine tablets before radiation exposure can stop the radioactive iodine from lodging in the thyroid.
A dye known as Prussian blue can also be used to remove certain radioactive materials from the body.
How has the Japanese Government responded?
People living within 18 miles of the plant have been evacuated or urged to stay indoors and make their homes airtight.
They have also distributed 230,000 units of stable iodine to evacuation centres from the area around Fukushima Daiichi and Fukushima Daini nuclear power plants as a precaution. The tablets block radioactive iodine from being taken into the thyroid gland, protecting it from damage and potential cancer.
The 70 workers working to safeguard the nuclear complex are all wearing p
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1366308/Japan-earthquake-tsunami-Meltdown-3rd-reactor-blast-hits-nuclear-plant.html#ixzz1Gjp6smMa
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/031718_nuclear_power_dirty_bomb.html?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter#ixzz1Gjmi4PLG
PLANETA X y Guía de Supervivencia 2012 por Marshall Masters / Janice Manning
por Marshall Masters 03 Agosto 2007
del Sitio Web Yowusa
traducción de Adela KaufmannVersión original
Durante años, hemos discutido el Planeta X y el 2012 con un "usted debe ser informado personalmente sobre esta" sensación de urgencia. Ahora, el diálogo está cambiando, porque la Tierra está cambiando.
De particular interés para los estadounidenses este mes fue un artículo publicado en la revista Philosophical Transactions de la Royal Society de Londres. Afirma que "la frecuencia de los huracanes en el Atlántico se ha duplicado durante el último siglo."
Claro, la temporada de huracanes se extiende desde el 1º de junio al 30 de noviembre y ha sido sin complicaciones hasta el momento. Sin embargo, la máxima actividad ocurre generalmente a principios o mediados de septiembre, y teniendo en cuenta lo que está sucediendo al otro lado del Atlántico, no seamos complacientes.
Una cadena de alto perfil de extrañas calamidades relacionadas con el clima azota a Europa este verano con un asombroso número de incendios, sequías e inundaciones. Incendios masivos que se extienden por las Islas Canarias y Grecia. En general, Gran Bretaña parece estar recibiendo la peor parte, según algunas estimaciones.
Este pasado mes de abril en Inglaterra fue el más caliente registrado, con muy poca lluvia. Entonces, la naturaleza dio un giro desagradable, y luego vinieron las inundaciones. En junio, miles de casas fueron inundadas en Yorkshire, Lincolnshire y Gales. En julio, cientos más tuvieron que abandonar sus hogares en Oxford, cuando afluentes del Támesis se desbordaron. Esto es sólo una pequeña muestra de lo que está pasando - ¡ahora!
Para todos aquellos que atribuyen estos patrones cada vez más en aceleración de clima violento a "ciclos naturales" y nos aconsejan no tomar todo esto muy en serio, tenemos un mensaje importante para usted:
"Uno nunca debe subestimar el poder de la estupidez humana, porque los 'estúpidos' hacen la mayoría de los muertos".Marshall Masters
...y 2012, Guía de SupervivenciaJacco van der Worp, MSc
Marshall MastersJanice Manning
Extractos de la Introducción
El Planeta X es un término genérico utilizado para describir un objeto grande y aún desconocido en nuestro sistema solar.
Conocido como Nibiru a los antiguos sumerios, es muchas veces el tamaño de la Tierra y tiene una órbita de un largo período de aproximadamente 3,600 años.

La fecha de2012, por lo general se identifica un período de cataclismos predichos por los antiguos mayas.
¿Qué es el Planeta X?
Podría ser un cometa, un planeta vagabundo, o como este libro sostiene, una agonizante enana marrón compañera del Sol. En los próximos años, su órbita elíptica, lo traerá al centro de nuestro sistema, donde enfurecerá a nuestro sol. Una vez que esto suceda, sobrevendrán los dolores más grandes en la Tierra; la suerte del momento nos pone en la mira de una perfecta tormenta solar perfecta.
Lo que fuese que resulte ser este gran perturbador en sí, la búsqueda del Planeta X esencialmente se remonta al descubrimiento de Urano en 1781. Descrito en numerosos textos antiguos y en el folclore de los pueblos indígenas de todo el mundo, las predicciones de su retorno son numerosas.
Los datos científicos precursores de este inminente sobrevuelo también están siendo reportados a un ritmo cada vez mayor y ya no puede ser ignorado. Por ello, muchos de los que han investigado el asunto por su cuenta piensan que ahora el tiempo ha llegado para tomar medidas. En esencia, ya lo 'entendieron' y ahora sienten la necesidad de conseguir pasar a través de él!
El propósito de este libro es ayudar a aquellos que están de acuerdo en que el tiempo es la esencia. Para ello, ofrece una práctica caja de herramientas 2012 de conocimientos sobre supervivencia, para aquellos que sean dejados a su suerte.
Independientemente de si usted puede permitirse el lujo de construir un búnker o apenas pueden permitirse una pala, la información contenida en este libro está diseñada para ser igualmente útil. Esto es porque la clave para sobrevivir a 2012 es más acerca de lo que está en su cabeza que lo que está en su billetera. No hay garantías. Lo mejor que puede hacer es mejorar sus probabilidades de supervivencia, lo cual no significa necesariamente la construcción de un refugio mejor.
Más bien, como Louis Pasteur tan acertadamente explicó,
"La suerte favorece a la mente preparada."
El mensaje de Pasteur en 2012 es claro.
Cuanto mejor preparado esté, tanto mental como emocionalmente, es más probable que pueda reconocer y aprovechar las oportunidades de supervivencia de una manera oportuna y útil. Por lo tanto, el primer paso para mejorar sus probabilidades es cablear su mente para la supervivencia. No se necesita ninguna ciencia de cohetes - sólo un poco de tiempo. El proceso es simple, y este libro le mostrará lo fácil que es empezar.
Cuanto antes empiece, mejores serán sus probabilidades de supervivencia.
Como lo ha hecho en el pasado, el sobrevuelo del Planeta X dará lugar a una convergencia de múltiples acontecimientos catastróficos, tanto naturales como hechos por el hombre, que se producirán en un período de años. Una vez que la pesadilla haya terminado, los sobrevivientes surgirán para crear el siguiente renacimiento dorado de la humanidad.
Mientras tanto, ¿cuándo comenzará este choque de trenes cósmico? Ya lo ha hecho.
El Pánico por el Planeta X
El debate actual calentamiento global ha alcanzado un notable resultado. Parálisis. Como dice el viejo refrán, ver es una cosa, y creer es otra. Cuando nuestra atención está siendo desviada lejos de lo que realmente importa, ¿qué habremos de creer? O bien, ¿nos importa, incluso?
Esto parece ser más el caso del calentamiento global, porque mientras pueda utilizarse la conjetura para desviar la atención de esta seria (y cara) amenaza, que es exactamente lo que mucha gente va a hacer. Ser desviado - y muy felizmente.
La razón por la cual esta desviación sobre el calentamiento global funciona tan bien como lo hace, puede atribuirse a una inconveniente omisión. La distancia de cierre entre el Planeta X y nuestro Sol es la causalidad primaria del calentamiento global en la Tierra. Lo mismo puede decirse de Marte y Plutón, que también evidencian claras señales de calentamiento global. Por lo tanto, muchos de los problemas del calentamiento global son, en efecto cíclicos, porque los sobrevuelos del Planeta X son de carácter cíclico.
La contaminación por el hombre es muy real, pero sólo agrava el problema central. No obstante, sigue siendo una grave preocupación. Esto se debe a que estamos empujando la capacidad de recuperación de nuestra biosfera vez más cerca, hacia el punto de inflexión de una falla catastrófica.
Todos los datos están ahí, pero, ¿qué es lo que falta? El contexto de una inconveniente omisión.
Sin el contexto apropiado, las preocupaciones sobre los cambios de la Tierra son poco probables que sirvan como prueba de corriente principal para el Planeta X. Además, las empresas de medios noticiosos se equivocarán acerca de la presencia de esta amenaza durante el mayor tiempo posible. Su objetivo será evitar el pánico público. Después de todo, esto detendría a la mayoría de la gente de ir a trabajar y pagar impuestos.
Por lo tanto, el debate va a divagar hasta que algo más grande lo acelere. Esto será el Planeta X, ya que se acerca al núcleo de nuestro sistema solar. Una gran bola de polvo y escombros le precederá, algo como una procesión real. Con el tiempo, va a invadir el espacio que rodea a la Tierra, y aquí será cuando la corriente principal realmente comenzará a "entenderlo".
Primero empezaremos a ver cortes de comunicaciones, mientras el Planeta X nos quita la alegría de navegar por los canales. Las redes de televisión por cable serán especialmente vulnerables, porque dependen de los satélites de comunicaciones en órbita geoestacionaria.
La distancia es la diferencia entre estos satélites de televisión por cable y los satélites del Sistema de Posicionamiento Global (GPS), utilizados por los sistemas de navegación que usan en vehículos militares, aviones y automóviles.
Una órbita geoestacionaria (GEO) le permite a un satélite coincidir con el día terrestre de 24 horas. En consecuencia, siempre es señalado en el mismo lugar en la Tierra. Esto se conoce como una plantilla, y lo que hace que funcione es el hecho de que el satélite se encuentra estacionado en el espacio a una distancia de 22.369 millas (36.000 km) de la Tierra.
Por otra parte, un satélite en una órbita terrestre baja (LEO) va a estar en alguna parte entre 124 a 1,243 millas (193 a 2.000 km) sobre la superficie de la Tierra. Para ayudar a poner esto en perspectiva, la LEO de la Estación Espacial Internacional (ISS) es de 207 millas (333,3 kilómetros) sobre la Tierra.
Entonces, ¿cómo se llevará esto a cabo? Al comenzar el polvo y los escombros del Planeta X a impactar los satélites GEO utilizados por las redes de televisión por cable.
Esto es cuando empezaremos a ver bloques enteros de canales salirse del aire mientras los transpondedores satelitales se van dañando y fallan.
Inicialmente, estas interrupciones serán manejables, ya que estos satélites GEO normalmente manejan decenas de canales. Cambiando las emisiones afectadas a otros transpondedores satelitales rápidamente restablecerán la programación. Sin embargo, con el tiempo, el daño cada vez mayor del impacto irá aumentando el número de satélites de comunicaciones GEO dañados o inútiles.
Lo que los televidentes podrán notar al irnos acercando al 2012 serán más interrupciones y cada vez menos canales. Durante este tiempo, las redes de televisión por cable se apresurarán a cambiar a redes subterráneas y submarinas de fibra óptica. Sin embargo, tendrán que competir por recursos cada vez menores, por lo que no será una panacea fácil allí.
Eventualmente, vamos a volver a la década de 1970, la era de televisión por cable con algo entre 20 y 40 canales de programación. Aún con todo esto, muchos continuarán para permitir que los detractores del Planeta X desvíen sus preocupaciones.
¿Cuándo dará finalmente la corriente principal, la voz de alarma? Las probabilidades son, cuando la bola de polvo y escombros que rodean al Planeta X finalmente lleguen a la órbita terrestre baja. Aquí será cuando la NASA probablemente se verá obligada a abortar una misión LEO tripulada.
Peor aún, los astronautas a bordo de la Estación Espacial Internacional (ISS) pudieran repentinamente verse forzados a abandonar el barco y regresar a la Tierra en una nave de evacuación de emergencia. Si los controladores de la tierra no pueden mantener la órbita de la estación, la ISS se caerá a la Tierra en un ardiente y descontrolado descenso.
Aquí será cuando seguramente comenzarán a sonar las campanas del Planeta X.
Sobreviviendo al 2012 y El Planeta X
Este vídeo muestra cómo la aproximación del Planeta X ya está cambiando nuestro mundo.
Producido y organizado por Marshall Masters, un ex-productor del campo de la del CNN, este programa ofrece una visión sencilla de este acontecimiento humano que viene.
Como co-autor y editor de Planeta X Pronóstico y Guía de Supervivencia para 2012, Marshall cree que el 2012 será un evento evolutivo, de supervivencia.
David Icke - Unity!! (Unite and Come Together - mass non-compliance)
Verdad, Conciencia,despertar! HOY!
jueves, 10 de marzo de 2011
Pink Floyd - "2 Two Suns In The Sunset: " Dos soles al atardecer".
Visionario?, Profeta ?
Corresponde al disco "The Final Cut", duodécimo álbum de estudio de la banda británica de rock progresivo Pink Floyd.
Se lanzó al mercado en marzo de 1983 a través de la compañía discográfica Harvest Records en el Reino Unido y varias semanas después a través de Columbia Records en Estados Unidos. Se trata de un álbum conceptual y es el último de la banda en el que participó Roger Waters.
Además, éste aparece acreditado como compositor y letrista de todas las canciones del disco.
The Final Cut se planeó como banda sonora para la película de 1982 Pink Floyd The Wall. Recién comenzada la guerra de las Malvinas, Waters la convirtió en una crítica a la guerra.
Y "coincidentemente" cuando la noticia es el alineamiento de la Tierra con el Planeta X, y los reportes de testigos e imágenes que abundan aquí en la Red, sobre el avistamiento de 2 soles; no puedo menos que compartirles esta canción que por su contenido, al leer las letras que la componen me han dejado un poco sorprendida por lo actual del mensaje en este 2011.
"Two suns in the sunset"
"En mi espejo retrovisor el sol está bajando
Hundiéndose tras los puentes del camino
Y pienso en todas las cosas buenas
Que hemos dejado sin terminar
Y sufro premoniciones
Confirmo sospechas
Del holocausto por venir
El alambre que sostiene el corcho
Que mantiene la ira adentro
Y repentinamente es día nuevamente
El sol está en el este
Aún cuando el día está terminado
Dos soles en el ocaso
Podría ser la raza humana es corrida
Como el momento cuando los frenos se trancan
Y te deslizas hacia el gran camión
Estiras los momentos congelados con tu miedo
Y nunca escucharás sus voces...
Y nunca verás sus caras...
No tienes recurso a la ley nunca más!
Y como el parabrisas se derrite
Mis lágrimas se evaporan
Dejando sólo carbón para defender
Finalmente entiendo
los sentimientos de los pocos
Cenizas y diamantes...
Enemigo y amigo...
Somos todos iguales al final."
Two Suns in the Sunset (Waters)
In my rear view mirror the sun is going down
Sinking behind bridges in the road
And I think of all the good things
That we have left undone
And I suffer premonitions
Confirm suspicions
Of the holocaust to come.
The wire that holds the cork
That keeps the anger in
Gives way
And suddenly it's day again.
The sun is in the east
Even though the day is done.
Two suns in the sunset
Could be the human race is run.
Like the moment when the brakes lock
And you slide towards the big truck
"Oh no!"
"[scream] Daddy, Daddy!"
You stretch the frozen moments with your fear.
And you'll never hear their voices
And you'll never see their faces
You have no recourse to the law anymore.
And as the windshield melts
My tears evaporate
Leaving only charcoal to defend.
Finally I understand the feelings of the few.
Ashes and diamonds
Foe and friend
We were all equal in the end.
"...and now the weather. Tomorrow will be cloudy with scattered showers
spreading from the east ... with an expected high of 4000 degrees
lunes, 7 de marzo de 2011
La Realidad es una Ilusión (1 de 2) .
Todos o casi todos nos hemos preguntado alguna vez quienes somos,por que estamos aquí, de donde venimos, y a donde vamos.
domingo, 6 de marzo de 2011
Nibiru, el planeta X, conocida como “la estrella negra”,estaría atravesando este 15 de marzo la elíptica de nuestro planeta y ocasionando serios disturbios geomagnéticos.
Recientemente ha circulado en múltiples foros digitales el rumor de que Nibiru, también conocido como el “planeta X” o la “estrella negra” se esta aproximando a la Tierra y que incluso cruzará por completo este próximo 15 de marzo de 2011 la órbita elíptica de nuestro planeta, proceso que comenzará hoy 4 de marzo. Existe la teoría de que Nibiru es una especie de planeta oculto dentro de nuestro sistema solar o que de hecho se trata de una estrella enana que acompaña a nuestro sol y que atraviesa el sistema solar cada 3,600 años provocando masivos disturbios geológicos y magnéticos en los campos de la Tierra.
El parteaguas espacial de este ciclo se marca a partir del momento en que Nibiru rebasa la distancia que separa a nuestro planeta del sol, etapa que supuestamente comenzará en septiembre 19 de este mismo año y que se extenderá hasta el 29 de febrero de 2012, luego de una duración de 163 días. Sin embargo, el clímax se empieza a gestar a partir de que Nibiru atraviesa la elíptica de la Tierra.
Nibiru es un supuesto planeta cuya existencia fue propuesta por Zecharia Sitchin, y cuya teórica existencia se ha popularizado enormemente entre los “ufólogos” y conspiracionistas. De acuerdo con Sitchin, la existencia de Nibiru le fue transmitida luego de interpretar antiguos textos escritos por los sumerios, los cuales además confirman que la raza humana fue visitada por grupos extraterrestres que habitan en este planeta, el cual se mantiene oculto dentro de nuestro sistema solar ya que su eje es distinto al resto de los cuerpos, razón por la cual ha pasado desapercibido a la mirada de la ciencia
Los antecedentes de Nibiru datan desde la época de los sumerios, entre quienes el término se utilizaba para designar un punto de transición o un cruce de caminos. Dentro de la mitología de Babilonia, Nibiru era la estrella de Marduk, la deidad que regía el cosmos. Incluso, aparentemente existe toda una tabla impresa con escritura cuneiforme que alude a este cuerpo astral: “Nibiru se ubicaba en el pasaje que unía a la tierra con el cielo pues todos, tanto arriba como abajo, preguntaban a Nibiru si no lograban encontrar este pasaje. Nibiru es la estrella de Marduk que los dioses en el cielo hicieron que fuese visible. Nibiru representa una marca en el punto de transición”.
Pero regresando a los rumores que afirman que Nibiru se aproxima tajantemente hacia nuestro planeta, estas especifican que actualmente la NASA esta rastreando a la “estrella negra” bajo el nombre del cometa Leonid ELEnin y cuya conjunción con la Tierra y el sol se espera para este próximo marzo 15. Y supuestamente el cambio de polos en el planeta en realidad se debe a la ingerencia que la estrella enana café, Nibiru, tiene desde 2004. Y de confirmarse las versiones conspiracionistas en torno a este fenómeno astrológico, podríamos enfrentar una serie de disturbios que alterarían significativamente las leyes físicas en torno nuestro planeta.
A continuación la línea de tiempo con los eventos más significativos alrededor de la supuesta “llegada” de Nibiru a la elíptica de la Tierra:
Feb 20 Nibiru se posicionó entre las órbitas de Marte y Júpiter.
Marzo 4 Nibiru comienza a atravesar el plano elíptico de nuestro planeta provocando drásticos síntomas geomagnéticos.
Marzo 15 Saturno, Nibiru, la Tierra, el sol, Marte Júpiter y Urano se alinean generando lo que la cosmología Hopi llama como la primera conjunción.
Junio 27 Nibiru cruza la órbita de Marte.
Ago 3 Nibiru cruza la órbita de la Tierra.
Ago 21 Nibiru cruza la órbita de Venus.
Sept 19 Nibiru alcanza una posición equidistante entre la Tierra y el sol.
Sept 26 Nibiru pasa entre la Tierra y el sol generando la segunda conjunción de la leyenda Hopi e intensificando los cambios.
Oct 17 Nibiru llega a la ubicación más cercana a la Tierra.
Nov 22 Alineación entre Nibiru, la Tierra, y el sol, la tercera conjunción.
El duodécimo planeta
En 1976, el escritor e investigador Zecharia Sitchin proponía una hipótesis revolucionaria en su libro “El Duodécimo Planeta. En él exponía, como los sumerios, primera civilización conocida de la antigua Mesopotamia, hacían referencia a un gran planeta conocido con el nombre de “Nibiru” (planeta del cruce), Bautizado posteriormente por los babilonios con el nombre de su principal deidad, Marduk.
En su obra, Sitchin argumenta el conocimiento de los antiguos pueblos de Mesopotamia de la existencia de doce planetas o cuerpos celestes principales, que conformaban también los doce dioses principales de sus panteones. A los nueve planetas comúnmente aceptados en la actualidad, Mercurio, Venus, La Tierra, Marte, Júpiter, Saturno, Urano, Neptuno y Plutón, añadían hasta formar el número de doce, al propio Sol, la Luna y el planeta principal de sus dioses “Nibiru – Marduk”.
En su obra, Sitchin argumenta el conocimiento de los antiguos pueblos de Mesopotamia de la existencia de doce planetas o cuerpos celestes principales, que conformaban también los doce dioses principales de sus panteones. A los nueve planetas comúnmente aceptados en la actualidad, Mercurio, Venus, La Tierra, Marte, Júpiter, Saturno, Urano, Neptuno y Plutón, añadían hasta formar el número de doce, al propio Sol, la Luna y el planeta principal de sus dioses “Nibiru – Marduk”.
Fue este último nuevo planeta, el que según siempre su cosmogonía, puso el orden existente actual en nuestro Sistema Solar. Con una gigantesca órbita elíptica en torno a el Sol, penetró en el Sistema Solar, creando grandes perturbaciones en los planetas, y tras una gran colisión, creó la Tierra al desgajar un antiguo planeta que orbitaba alrededor del Sol, cuyo nombre era Tiamat, en la actual posición del cinturón de asteroides existente entre Marte y Júpiter, y que diferencia a los planetas interiores de los exteriores.
Del mismo modo liberó a uno de sus satélites, “Kingu”, que tras la colisión quedó atrapado en la órbita del nuevo planeta creado, La Tierra, pasando a ser desplazados ambos a su posición actual, siendo “Kingu” desde entonces nuestra conocida Luna.
Es de destacar que dentro del cinturón de asteroides se encuentra el mayor de los asteroides conocidos del Sistema Solar, Ceres, con un diámetro de 930 kilómetros, su masa equivale a una cuarta parte del total de las decenas de miles de asteroides que conforman el cinturón, y donde los científicos apuntan la existencia de abundante agua, un 25% del total de la masa de Ceres, unos 200 millones de kilómetros cúbicos, frente a unos 1.400 millones de kilómetros cúbicos estimados para la Tierra. Del mismo modo, la mitología sumeria hablaba del desaparecido planeta Tiamat, como un planeta acuoso. ¿Es quizá Ceres una clara evidencia del choque planetario entre Nibiru y Tiamat y que terminó por configurar nuestro planeta Tierra?
Es de destacar que dentro del cinturón de asteroides se encuentra el mayor de los asteroides conocidos del Sistema Solar, Ceres, con un diámetro de 930 kilómetros, su masa equivale a una cuarta parte del total de las decenas de miles de asteroides que conforman el cinturón, y donde los científicos apuntan la existencia de abundante agua, un 25% del total de la masa de Ceres, unos 200 millones de kilómetros cúbicos, frente a unos 1.400 millones de kilómetros cúbicos estimados para la Tierra. Del mismo modo, la mitología sumeria hablaba del desaparecido planeta Tiamat, como un planeta acuoso. ¿Es quizá Ceres una clara evidencia del choque planetario entre Nibiru y Tiamat y que terminó por configurar nuestro planeta Tierra?
La gran colisión con Tiamat, a la vez que aclara la existencia del cinturón de asteroides, aclararía también el fenómeno de los cometas, que no obedecen a ninguna de las reglas normales de desplazamiento del resto del cosmos. Mientras que como explicábamos antes, las órbitas de los planetas son casi circulares y discurren en el mismo plano, excepto Plutón, la de los cometas son alargadas y en muchos casos muy pronunciadas, con periodos que abarcan de los cientos a los miles de años. Además, mientras la totalidad de los planetas orbitan en dirección contraria a las agujas del reloj, muchos de los cometas se mueven en dirección inversa.
Sitchin llega a la conclusión de que la órbita del planeta “X” o Nibiru alcanza los 3.600 años y que, millones de años después de los cataclismos que configuraron el actual Sistema Solar y que aportaron “la chispa de la vida” a nuestro planeta Tierra, continuó orbitando en torno al Sol, repitiendo una y otra vez en su paso más próximo a la Tierra, es decir, el antiguo emplazamiento del desaparecido Tiamat (actual cinturón de asteroides). Y fue precisamente desde Nibiru donde llegó a la Tierra una antigua civilización que la colonizó, mucho antes de que el hombre moderno apareciese, porque fueron ellos quienes a través de la modificación genética, quienes impulsaron evolutivamente a los antiguos homínidos pre-humanos. Ellos fueron los dioses de la antigüedad, quienes crearon al hombre “a su imagen y semejanza”.
Pero, ¿es posible que un planeta como Nibiru, tan lejano al Sol, pueda tan siquiera albergar un mínimo de vida?
El propio Sitchin escribe al respecto:
“…se ha descartado la idea de que la única fuente de energía y calor disponible para los órganos vivos es el Sol. Así, la nave espacial Pioneer 10 descubrió que Júpiter, aunque está mucho más lejos del Sol que de la Tierra, era tan caliente que se presume debe tener su propia fuente de energía y calor. Un planeta con abundantes elementos radiactivos en su interior no sólo generaría su propio calor, sino que tendría una significativa actividad volcánica. Esa actividad produce una atmósfera por tiempo casi indeterminado. A su vez, esa atmósfera crea un «efecto invernadero»: protege al planeta del frío del espacio exterior y hace que el calor generado por el planeta no se escape al espacio, igual que la ropa nos mantiene calientes evitando que se disipe el calor del cuerpo…”.
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