sábado, 24 de septiembre de 2011

Terremotos causados por ?, extraños sonidos ? crear pánico con juguetes modernos?

Earth Groans Or HAARP Warfare? The Strange Sound Phenomenon

by Zen Gardner
This strange sound phenomenon is being reported more and more frequently from diverse places on the globe, and sometimes just preceding earthquakes. And not just by a few individuals, but by stadiums of people and even whole cities.
The day before the big Northeast quake in the US the weird sound was heard during a baseball game and caught on TV. (see below). It’s also been reported in Russia, Canada, also preceding an earthquake, and other locations.

What Is It?

Let’s do a little dot connecting. And by the way, if you’re one of those waiting for some government scientist or official to come out with the real story on this and the whole gammut of weird stuff going on you’re living in a dream world.
It ain’t gonna happen.
What we can do is look at the events themselves, compile what information we can, and put some ideas out there for discussion. I don’t pretend to fully understand anything, but I’m very eager to point out what appear to be “anomalies” and patterns happening in our world that seem to have serious significance.
And as many have found out, when you’re sincere and open and are passionate about your research and finding real truth, it usually paints a pretty clear picture!
(BTW, this is a bit of a video fest which I rarely do, but they’re all very short except the first one, but it’s a compilation and sets the stage quite well IMO.)

The HAARP Discussion

As a little aside to start, I’m a little concerned at what’s becoming a knee-jerk reaction by the so-called alternative community at the mention of HAARP anymore–that it’s overkill and bordering paranoid to always bring it up. Obviously not everything is attributable to HAARP technology, but can you blame anyone for not first looking at how some event was possibly caused or exacerbated by these evil elite PTBs or whomever?
That’s completely healthy and understandable. I say let people react as they will and if you must, answer with facts and with respect. When we start broad-brushing or judging and excluding each other based on one point, article or post it’s not a good sign.
Are we becoming our own truth Gestapo? Beware of anyone trying to stir things up and turn us on each other.
That’s a sure way to eat ourselves, as the old symbol goes…

Ouroboros can be taken different ways…

Call it HAARP or whatever…

Back to business: We don’t even KNOW all the stuff these megalomaniacs have.
But I’m more inclined to believe this strange sound phenomenon is artificially induced by the world’s mad scientists at these HAARP type facilities or some such vibrational tool, and that it’s these insane boys playing with their toys and seeing what they can produce. And it’s definitely not healthy.
But who knows what dastardly advances they’ve made that we have absolutely no knowledge of?
The monstrous CERN particle accelerator in Switzerland is enough to freak anyone out with its capability to literally implode the planet or open a portal to another dimension allowing who knows what to enter ours. These facts have been stated openly by their head researchers!…yet no one gets the significance and goes back to watching the ball game. Surreal.

The Woodpecker Phenomenon

We know as far back as the 70′s Russian electromagnetic pulse technology was causing a woodpecker type effect that was broadcast to the United States.
And they were even then concerned about the effect on the human brain. Imagine now, folks.
See Woodpecker video HERE
You can only imagine what this now super advanced ionospheric heating device and other technologies are capable of doing.

Examples of the “Strange Sound”

We do know it is very strange, and thanks to youtube it’s very well documented.

Here’s one compilation of a few events:

See compilation HERE

(Below) In the US this event recently took place…of course explained away as PA system feedback. As you’ll see it’s the same sound you just heard above…where there was no stadium, and no PA system…AND on the eve of the Northeast Earthquake!

Baseball game video HERE

(Below) Here’s another example. This strange sound is like the event at the baseball game and some of the other clips.


Another example, this time a little different high-pitched sound following a heavy chemtrail day with chemtrail rainbow–and 11 hours later the area was also hit with a 5.0 earthquake!

Canada clip HERE
You can find more examples of this on the internet. It’s definitely something to keep an eye on.


The fact is, at this point we don’t seem to know what’s causing this phenomenon for sure. That it’s in keeping with the potential of HAARP or EISCAT and similar Orwellian technologies is a fact. This we know just from the amount of disclosed information on the potential of these facilities admitted in the public domain and available via amassed amounts of patent documents.
That it can be the earth going through deep tectonic shifts as the magma moves according to the changes in our magnetosphere, or from the gravitational effects of changes in our solar system and beyond?
Very possible.

That mad scientists directed by the PTBs would screw with the magnetosphere and ionosphere to control the weather and planetary changes, either experimentally or with specific intent?
Also very possible.
Put ‘em together in various mixes and that could be what we’re experiencing. Some natural changes due to cosmic alignments, the solar cycle, changes in the earth’s magnetic pole and geothermal make up…and
Whack-job power freaks utilizing their fabricated forces in an attempt to co-opt nature for their own intentions.

Worse Yet – Mind Control?

Are these audible ranges we’re picking up at times symptoms of mind-altering frequencies as referred to in the first video above? This is the most nefarious of the PTBs’ arsenal of societal manipulation and incarceration: Mind Control.
This too has been documented as a definite potential use by electromagnetic broadcasting devices, HAARP and otherwise. The network of GWEN towers and cell masts is vast, and is believed to be now in use for just such purposes, as well as weather alteration and who knows what else.
But as the scientist said in the first video from the 70′s mind you, he believed they were using the frequency to “pacify”.
Now combine the electronic pulses with the fluoridated water, altered food and chemtrailed air. Think that might explain the absolute blindness of most of the world’s population and why everyone just rolls over as they’re being raped economically, politically, socially and literally? How DID they get away with something as blatant as 9/11? Making sense?
Lotta dots line up on that one. And if they don’t for you, you need to dig deeper, cuz you’re missing some serious pieces of the puzzle.
Whichever, we are definitely dealing with a rapidly changing earth environment, and seriously perverted entities in high places that are not helping, but seriously damaging ourselves, our environment and our home.
I’ll leave you with this haunting video. Be sure to watch it.

HAARP – A Sound That Can Kill

Profound music video HERE


What we think we know today can be radically altered by what we discover tomorrow. More than ever we need to stay open and alert. We’re each literally feeling our way through this maze and slowly finding out what is real and what is false.
If our perspective isn’t constantly changing and growing like the Universe, we’re stalled out and very likely getting discouraged, dogmatic, stubborn and fearful. When we’re on the right track we are happy, optimistic, loving and communicative, even in the face of the most horrible truths.
Be like a duck….cool and calm on the outside, and paddling like the dickens (for Truth) underneath. ;)
Love, Zen

PijamaSurf sitio alternativo para buscadores de la otra realidad

Pijamasurf, es uno de mis sitios favoritos, ya sea por el contenido de la información como por la forma en que ésta se narra.
Considero gran valor profesional de quienes son los editores de ese sitio, y hacen gala de una narrativa bella, bien redactada y hasta en la mayoría de los casos artísticamente elaborada, entendiendo por artístico porque crea belleza.
Un artículo en este mes donde hablan de las nuevas teoría mitológicas de este siglo XXI, en la que entes extraterrestres, grises, o reptilianos han perdido la batalla por hacer de este mundo o civilización suya.

BIen quiero transcribirles la segunda parte de este artículo que considero interesante y para reflexión de muchos.

Saludos, y veremos que sucede para estos últimos días de pronóstico impreciso de fatalidades apocalípticas en el planeta tierra, y con la próxima edad de piedra en la economía colapsada de un sistema financiero mentiroso e injusto.

Adriana Miranda Reina.

[,,,,]En el caso de los reptileanos existe un tema subyacente, a mi juicio intrigante, el del arquetipo de la serpiente y el ADN. Aunque muchas personas creen, quizás con cierta perspicacia, que todo el tinglado de los extraterrestres que controla a la humanidad se ha armado como una cortina de humo, un poco de útil desinformación, por parte de los verdaderos controladores del orbe, los banqueros y políticos que se agrupan en ciertas sociedades secretas y simplemente buscan hacerse de los recursos naturales y explotar al grueso de la población, ya sea para mantener su estilo de vida desproporcionado o por una manda religiosa (satanismo, judaísmo, cristianismo fundamentalista, etc.), también es cierto que el tema de los reptileanos se apoya en un estrato arquetípico que resuena en la profundidad de la historia psicológica del ser humano y quizás por eso muchas personas llegan a creer en esta historia que de otra forma es hasta ridícula.
Uno de los expertos más reconocidos en el mundo en el estudio de las culturas chamánicas, Michael Harner, escribe en su libro The Way of the Shaman:
“Aprendí que las criaturas de forma de dragón estaban estaban dentro de todos los seres vivos, incluyendo el hombre. Eran los verdaderos maestros de la humanidad y de todo el planeta, me dijeron. Nosotros humanos eramos los meros receptáculos y sirvientes de estas criaturas. Por esta razón me podían hablar, porque estaban dentro de mí. En retrospectiva uno diría que son casi como el ADN”.

En su libro The Cosmic Serpent, el Dr. Jeremy Narby formula la hipótesis de que las serpientes y dragones que se repiten en tantos mitos de creación son representaciones del ADN, con el cual algunas personas, como los chamanes del Amazonas cuando toman ayahuasca, llegan a entrar en contacto directo, molecular, y obtener información.
Carl Jung entendió el fenómeno OVNI como: “cambios en la constelación de los dominios psíquicos, de los arquetipos o ‘dioses’, como se les solía llamar, que traen o acompañan una larga transformación en la psique colectiva”.
A lo que voy con estos es a la hipótesis de que la manifestación reptileana en la psique colectiva de la humanidad podría ser una representación hasta cierto punto natural de nuestra interacción con el texto de nuestra narrativa —un Logos con forma serpentina—, con el código que programa nuestra existencia y el cual quizás podemos aprender a reescribir, para liberarnos del hechizo psicolingüístico de la Serpiente —que es también la sabiduría y la energía sexual: la creación. Una libertad que quizás esté dada en la capacidad de lectura (de autoconocimiento) de ese código, en la conciencia de que habitamos en una narrativa, de que estamos hechos de texto. La Serpiente nos pone a prueba —esa es una metáfora metahistórica que podríamos llamar del Edén en el gen— y todos tenemos que matar al dragón para obtener el Reino. Pero ese acto de matar al dragón quizás sea fundamentalmente hacer consciente lo inconsciente, nosotros somos la serpiente (Deus est demon inversus) y, en el caso del código, nosotros somos los escritores. La libertad de ese constructo que ha sido llamado Maia o Matrix quizás sea descubrir que el mundo es una narrativa que nos contamos y así se vuelve real, pero que que si dejamos de contárnosla, de repetirla, desparece, de la misma forma que durante un sueño lúcido descubrimos que lo que estamos viviendo —los escenarios que recorremos, las personas que encontramos— son nuestras propias creaciones mentales y por lo tanto podemos crear otras, las que sean. Así, cuando estamos por morir en el sueño, podemos renacer —como la serpiente— o podemos aniquilar el miedo —ese miedo primigenio que provocan los reptiles— (la pesadilla de la historia) para afirmar la libertad, cuando hacemos lúcida la narrativa.

Autor: Aleister Cromby and Witch


Scientists Confirm Fulford’s Story Of Nuclear Attack On Washington’s Underground Sanctuary

Scientists Confirm Fulford’s Story Of Nuclear Attack On Washington’s Underground Sanctuary

Posted on on September 25, 2011

Hi Tap,
The Aquino paper on HAARP appeared in July, which means that the scientists are now onto HAARP.
Seismology charts are now revealing that the 5.8 magnitude tremor that rattled the entire East Coast including Washington DC was not a natural earthquake but an earthquake that resulted from an underground nuclear detonation. The image above is a seismograph from Washington and Lee University, (similar one found on www2.tricities.com website) about 85 miles southwest of the earthquake’s epicenter in Mineral. The green lines indicates the tremor that was felt in Washington DC which caused damaged to the Washington Memorial and the Washington National Cathedral. The black lines is a transparent overlay of a seismograph from a pdf file from Virginia Division Mineral Resources on Earthquakes.

This shows the Washington nuclear detonation in green compared to an earthquake in black.
This shows the Washington nuclear detonation in green compared to an earthquake in black.
The unheard of occurred in Washington DC this afternoon August 23, 2011. A shallow 5.8 magnitude earthquake shook Washington DC this afternoon. The epicenter was 84 miles SW of Washington DC. Early in the day another shallow 5.3 magnitude earthquake shook Denver Colorado. Both earthquakes occurred just south of key U.S. government centers. Washington DC is obvious and Denver is now home to the CIA domestic operations which is responsible for operations and recruitment in the United States. The CIA recently moved there from the CIA’s Langley Virginia headquarters.

An earthquake has never been felt in Washing DC before. Denver is familiar with earthquakes. Is it just a coincidence that ABC news anchors warned of possible terrorist attacks against the United States before the 10th anniversary of 9/11?

The U.S. Geological Survey said the Virginia earthquake was 3.7 miles deep. Shaking was felt at the White House and all over the East Coast, as far south as Chapel Hill, N.C. Parts of the Pentagon, White House and Capitol were evacuated. The quake was in Mineral, Va., in Louisa County.

The magnitude 5.3 Colorado quake hit nine miles southwest of Trinidad, or 180 miles south of Denver, according to the U.S. Geological Survey’s National Earthquake Information Center in Golden. It had an estimated depth of 2.5 miles (4 kilometers) and was felt in a relatively large area of southern Colorado and northern New Mexico.

How do these earthquakes compare to a nuclear detonation, as warned by ABC (refer to Featured Videos 3 and 5 ) . A 6.0 magnitude earthquake is equivalent to the nuclear detonation by the U.S. against Hiroshima, Japan.
presscore.ca clearly has high-powered connections.
The revolution seems to have started.
The bankers are in serious trouble.

Ocupación de Wall Street, acampando contra la mafia financiera

Ocupación de Wall Street, comenzó el 17 de septiembre: acampando contra la mafia financiera

Miles de personas se preparan para acampar afuera de la Bolsa de Valores de Nueva York, hasta por meses, en protesta por la manipulación de la economía que realizan los banqueros y las injusticias sistémicas del capitalismo global.
El simbólico toro de la testosterona desmesurada que caracteriza a los corredores de bolsa cuando navegan olas de confianza será “tomado por los cuernos” este 17 de septiembre cuando miles de personas tomen las calles a las fueras de la bolsa de valores en Manhattan, Nueva York. La convocatoria, encabezada por Adbusters y Anonymous, espera reunir a 20 mil personas dispuestas a acampar hasta por meses para mostrar su indignación ante la mafia financiera que juega monopoly con el mundo.
El llamado contempla también una manifestación paralela en diferentes países en contra del sistema financiero global, con ecos en Madrid, Canadá, Italia y otros.
“Los jóvenes de Estados Unidos están sufriendo, se han dado cuenta de que no tienen futuro. Es el momento en que se rebelen contra las fuerzas económicas de Wall Street”, de “tomar los centros mundiales del capitalismo y quitarle el poder a la gente que controla el ‘teatrillo’ en el que se ha convertido el sistema financiero internacional. Esperemos que nuestra convocatoria sea el terremoto que haga que esta idea se propague por todo el planeta”.
Una de las principales inconformidades de este movimiento es que pese a la crisis económica del 2008 en la que se hizo patente que la élite financiera de Wall Street desfalcó a los estadounidenses con una compleja estrategia para su beneficio —auto-rescatándose con miles de millones de dólares del erario público— y a que Barack Obama en su campaña claramente dijo que lo más importante era hacer cambios profundos en Wall Street, hoy las cosas siguen igual, los banqueros se mantienen intocables con sus paracaídas de oro. Esto revela el gran simulacro que es la supuesta democracia de Estados Unidos, un espectáculo falsamente maniqueo, entre dos grupos cuya oposición es meramente superficial.
“Los republicanos y los demócratas son como la Pepsi y la Coca-Cola, se reparten el mercado y no permiten que nada cambie. Necesitamos pasión para cambiar las cosas”, dice Lasn.
Inspirados por los movimientos sociales de la primavera árabe, los manifestantes estadounidenses se enfrentarán contra el poder económico que controla el orbe, en una de las más interesantes acciones civiles de años recientes —si esta no es cooptada o disgregada por las autoridades.
“La idea es permanecer allí, para que este no sea un evento de un solo día. Queremos que Wall Street sea como la Puerta del Sol o la plaza de Tahrir (El Cairo, Egipto). Espero que los jóvenes estadounidenses puedan ocupar el centro financiero durante semanas o incluso meses hasta que se abra el debate político”, dice el editor de Adbusters.
Habrá que ver hasta dónde llega esto y hasta qué punto la protesta ejerce una verdadera influencia que pueda llevar a un cambio y no a una nueva simulación. Recordemos que los políticos y corporaciones encumbradas en el poder son expertos manipuladores de la opinión pública, contando con el apoyo de agencias de inteligencia que suelen infiltrar movimientos populares y sesgarlos a su favor.

viernes, 23 de septiembre de 2011

Obama and Globalists converging on Denver Deep Underground Military Base for September 27, 2011

Obama and Globalists converging on Denver Deep Underground Military Base for September 27, 2011

Barack Hussein Obama and his family will be leaving Washington DC early next week and will be heading to Denver International Airport. Obama isn’t taking a International flight from Denver he will be joining other Globalist leaders at the Denver New World Order headquarters. You won’t see them because they will descend underground. Why underground? One reason could be the Comet Elenin Earth Sun alignment on September 26-27, 2011. Another is CIA (Knights of the Holy See) false flag nuclear detonations in the United States Midewest.
NASA recently warned its people to prepare for an outside threat event. In his warning to the NASA families he mentioned that NASA recently participated in a FEMA exercise called EAGLE HORIZON! The 2011 Eagle Horizon exercise, that took place during the week of June 20, dealt with the process by which government transfers all aspects of authority including the personnel responsible for operations, the facilities that will be used, and even the maintenance of oil, gas and mineral operations throughout the country. An outline of the EH11 exercise has been released by the U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management:
“This year, EH11 will continue with the EH10 scenario, an improvised explosive device (nuclear) exploded in the Midwest. Threats to other regions of the country will prompt transfers of leadership, authorities, and relocations to alternate facilities in order to continue business operations.”
“The focus of EH 11. are two aspects of devolution: planned and unplanned. How we devolve the Washington and State office operations is the focus of EH11. Planned is when, based on the threat, there is time to move leadership and key operations to your alternate site . Unplanned is when the event is sudden and without warning. Relocation to your alternate facility, orders of succession, and delegations of authority are immediately implemented where necessary. Reconstitution is the restoration of normal operations from the primary or alternate location. FEMA has templates for devolution and reconstitution that will guide and assist your in developing and formalizing your future plans.”
According to the U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management’s report the alternate site can only be Denver International Airport. Obama and his family and other Globalist leaders converging on Denver International Airport early next week is a planned devolution – “based on the threat, there is time to move leadership and key operations to your alternate site“. So is the threat the Comet Elenin Earth Sun alignment on September 26-27, 2011 or is the alignment just the official cover story for the real event – nuclear detonation by the Globalists in the United States Midwest? In any case they are planning for something big. Why else would world leaders be in recess during the Elenin Alignment on September 26-27, 2011. The Vatican’s World government body, the United Nations has an empty schedule from September 23rd through October 10th, 2011. The UK Parliament is in recess from September 15th through October 10th, 2011. The entire United States Congress is on vacation from September 25th through October 2nd, 2011. Germany’s Angela Merkel’s (Germany was the Third Reich) schedule is empty after September 25, 2011. The Roman Pope will be in Germany until the 25th but after that there is no scheduling. On Friday morning the Pope will meet with Muslim leaders in Berlin. But after his trip to Germany there is absolutely nothing scheduled after September 2011. The last schedule entry for September was ” The General Audience of Wednesday, September 21, 2011, has been cancelled.” As you can see on www. vaticantour.com.
Is it simply a coincidence that World leaders are on vacation at the same time as the planned DEFCON 1 “Cocked Pistol” maximum readiness alert drill on 27 September? A drill which will be overseen by President Obama at one the United States most secure bunkers located beneath the Denver International Airport. A drill which government transfers all aspects of authority. I don’t know about you but it looks like the rats are afraid of something and are fleeing in numbers and are retreating to their underground nests.

Why Denver? Denver is headquarters for the New World Order. Denver Colorado is also the official site of the Temple of Thoth Amen-Ra. From old Egyptian texts we can see that people regarded the sun as the emblem of the Creator. They called the sun Ra, and all other gods and goddesses were forms of the Creator. One of these gods was Amen; a secret, hidden and mysterious god named variously Amen, Amon, Amun, Ammon and Amounra. For the first eleven dynasties (c. 3000-1987 B.C.) Amen was just a minor god, but by the 17th dynasty (c. 1500 B.C.) he had been elevated to be the national god of southern Egypt. This position gave Amen the attributes and characteristics of the most ancient gods, and his name became Amen-Ra, that is, a supreme form of God the Creator. By the 18th Dynasty (1539-1295 B.C.) a college had been established to study Amen-Ra and as a focal point for worship. The Roman Catholic Church regards Amen-Ra as their God the Creator. The proof is in the courtyard of the Vatican – the obelisk. Egyptians have always claimed that Amen-Ra resides in the obelisk.

There are only three city states in the world. They are regarded as a sovereign city within a country, or state. And each of these three cities have an obelisk – 1. Vatican (Saint Peter’s Square, Vatican City), 2. Washington DC (The Washington Monument), 3. London (in London on the River Thames).
Here we have the Roman Catholic, the Protestant, and the Anglican, all three worshiping the god Amen-Ra. Why else would they have these obelisks. The one in London and the Vatican were actually brought to London and Rome from Egypt.
Sun worshiping appears to me to be the reason for omitting the name of the Almighty and adding to the bible the Egyptian god Amen. You will notice that it is always spelled with a capitol A, thus making this word a proper noun, like a name. Also notice that this is one of the few words that has not been translated, but has been transliterated. Also worthy of note is that the Jews, the Christians, and the Muslims all end their prayers, with the word Amen. That would mean the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims are all sun worshipers. For Roman Catholics this is obviously the case.
The symbolic representation of the sun is everywhere in the Roman Catholic church – the round disk wafer (Eucharists), in prayer, the halo around the God forbidden graven images of Christ and mortal being Mary, the letters IHS (Isis, Horus, and Seb). It was customary to have Christian churches facing east, and some still do. If you look back in history, greek and roman temples still had an orientation to the east – in that their front door faced east toward the rising sun. The door faced this way so that the cult statue inside would be looking towards the sun. In early christian churches, often the altar faces east so that the congregation faces east. Facing due east to worship the sun god Amen-Ra was intentionally made when St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome was built.
The Roman Basilicas, following the plan of Roman public buildings and built for the most part by the Emperor Constantine (the first self-appointed Roman Catholic Pope) in the early 300s AD, preserved the orientation of the horse shoe or semi-circle with the priest at the western end, the altar in front of him, and everyone facing east toward the entrance doors and the rising sun.
Looking at an aerial picture of the rounded open plaza in front of the Roman cathedral, you can see that it is centered on an Egyptian obelisk (where the sun god Amen-Ra resides) with the lines of the spokes of a wheel radiating out to the eight cardinal directions (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW) of the globe. There also is an opening in the plaza facing east and west. Here we are seeing the “Eight Wheel Path of Enlightenment” centered on a circular hub.
The root of this symbol is in Eight Paths of Enlightenment of Buddha corrupted into what we call Black Magick today. The eight levels in the path of learning are what a young neophyte in a satanic coven must attain before he has reached the level of “full enlightenment”. Yet the ancestral seat where this Eighth Wheeled of Enlightenment is found is the “Throne of Satan”.
Short URL: http://presscore.ca/2011/?p=4460
Posted by PAUL W KINCAID on Sep 21 2011. Filed under World news. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

3 Comments for “Obama and Globalists converging on Denver Deep Underground Military Base for September 27, 2011”

  1. The earthquakes of August 23, 2011 are related to this story. The earthquakes were actually the result of underground nuclear detonations. The PRESS Core article titled “Seismic evidence reveals underground nuclear detonation south of Washington DC” gives evidence of underground nuclear detonations. The detonations destroyed 2 “Deep Underground Military Base” which were built as alternate sites for the leadership and key operations in the event of a catastrophic natural disaster or nuclear detonation event. The CIA were transporting nukes underground for false flag nuclear detonations against Washington DC and New York City on August 23, 2011. The United States Air Force intercepted and thwarted the CIA’s plans. The U.S. Air Force’s Office of Special Investigations raided a LA gun store, “Citadel Gun & Safe” on Friday August 19, 2011 looking to recover nuclear warhead detonators that were stolen from Nellis Air Force Base. Full details in the article titled “U.S. Air Force averts false flag attack against Washington DC. Is the 2nd American Revolutionary War inevitable?” http://presscore.ca/2011/?p=4031
    More proof is now surfacing that nuclear detonations did occur on August 23, 2011. A huge sinkhole in Strafford, Virginia is growing in size and now threatens to swallow homes. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u20Y1NYo9Bc In all underground nuclear detonation the earth above the detonation caves in to form a subsidence crater – aka sinkhole.
    I think the U.S. Air Force should act again and stop whatever the U.S. government and the Globalists are planning. How? Flood or seal the entrances to the Denver Deep Underground Military Base. After all it was the United States Air Force who built them using their tunnel boring machine. By flooding the Denver Base Obama and the Globalists will have to face whatever is coming with the rest of us. The U.S. Air Force have families all over the World. If Obama and the Globalists aren’t telling us of a doomsday event why should they be the only ones saved.
  2. What is a DEFCON 1 “Cocked Pistol” maximum readiness alert drill? According to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DEFCON DEFCON 1 means nuclear war is imminent. That being said the converging of Obama and other Globalists to Denver’s Deep Underground Military Base has nothing to do with a comet, a Brown Dwarf Star, an asteroid impact or any extraterrestrial event. DEFCON 1 can only mean that they are expecting a nuclear war to begin. Evidence says they are not expecting one they are planning to start one. No one can predict a nuclear war. If there is no need to rush to a bunker because you know when a nuclear attack is imminent then logic states that you are planning to start such a war. Obama and the Globalists aren’t rushing to the bunkers. They are going about their business as usual. They are not worrying about a nuclear war starting because a nuclear war could only be started by them, and at the time of their choosing.
  3. In the United States there is only one person who can launch a nuclear attack and therefore start a nuclear war. The president of the United States – currently Barack Hussein Obama. Mr. Obama is always accompanied by a military aide carrying a “football” with launch codes for nuclear weapons. The football is a briefcase, the contents of which are to be used by the President of the United States of America to authorize a nuclear attack while away from fixed command centers, such as the White House Situation Room.
    That being said a nuclear attack, from within the United States, can only be blamed on one person – Barack Hussein Obama. If a nuclear war is imminent – DEFCON 1 – then that war can only be started by Barack Hussein Obama. Aren’t you glad you voted for Obama.